Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Local news... IMPORTANT Fwd: Litton Parish 2

Please will you use this version of my Village Voice article  and  ignore the one I sent previously – last night at about 11.00 pm. Thank you very much indeed. John Evans —–Original Message—– From: evansjvns1 <<a href="javascript:DeCryptX('3h1w1b3q1t3m2x1o2u233C2c3r0l313f2q1n')" >evansjvns1 [at] aol [dot] com> To: articles <<a href="javascript:DeCryptX('3d3u3w1j0c0l3h3v0@3y3l1m2n1b2i2g2x2q3l2e2g0t0i1e2g1t1x0e2n1m1/1p0r0g0.3x3n')" >articles [at] villagevoicetideswell [dot] org [dot] uk> Sent: Tue, Mar 20, 2018 10:25 pm Subject: Litton Parish I have one item to report this month. It is, however, an important one. I have written before about why the Council can be a force for good in the Parish and why we need representation from all the villages in the Parish, so I will not repeat that entreaty. The Council has a membership of seven Councillors. It now has five with two vacancies. The five are all drawn from the village of Litton . I have explained before that the Litton Councillors feel uncomfortable about making decisions without the input of residents from other areas of the Parish. In their absence Litton Councillors try to compensate in their decision making by asking themselves what residents from other parts of the Parish would think. That is an unnecessary burden to place on volunteers who are not supported by those on whose behalf they wish to be as fair as possible and to do them good. At its March meeting the Council agreed to advertise to fill the two vacancies by co-option and to place applications from residents who live outside Litton village as the priority. This means that if there are two or more  suitable candidates then those from outside Litton will be appointed. The vacancies will be advertised on notice boards and interested residents should apply to the Clerk, Gill Turner at littonparishcouncil [at] gmail [dot] com. All you have to do is write a letter saying why you wish to join the Council ( motivation ) and what life experience and skills you will bring to the team ( contribution to the Council ). You may like to do this now.  If the Council is not able to co-opt Councillors  from outside Litton then , if it is possible , it  will fill vacancies from within Litton. At the end of the day it is more important that the Parish has an energetic  Council of seven  people with the appropriate skills  than it has representation from across the Parish. There is no reason why five people should try to do the work of seven. As I mentioned in a previous Village Voice Article, Chris Thirtle ( Litton Mill ) and myself ( Litton ) are resigning in May and so this appeal is not for our benefit but for the five Councillors who will continue after May. Of these one has been a councilor for some time ( Gordon Rook ), two are relatively new ( Rachel Rennie and Neil Gregory ), and two will join in May ( Jayne Mc Millan and Kevin Oscroft ). So anyone else who joins will be part of a new team with fresh ideas.   Regards , John Evans ( Chair )

from Village Voice, Tideswell
via IFTTT Litton Village Shop cannot be held responsible for the content of this post.

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