Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Local news... Litton School Wakes

Litton School will once again be enjoying Wakes Week.  From Monday 25th to Wednesday 27th June throughout the school day there will be traditional Maypole dancing as well as refreshments in the school.

The children also help in the designing and making of the children’s well in the village, which can be seen next to the school.

Come and see the children in Victorian costume, visit the wells and enjoy a cup of tea, sandwich and homemade cake.

The children will be performing the Maypole dancing each day at 11am, 1.30pm and 2.30pm

Coach parties very welcome.

from Village Voice, Tideswell https://ift.tt/2kO44nO
via IFTTT Litton Village Shop cannot be held responsible for the content of this post.

Friday, 1 June 2018

Local news... 2018 POPPY APPEAL

Pete, hopefully you still have the article I sent on the history of the red poppy, to be put in VV at your discretion. Today’s post has contained my PAO 2018 Appeal Pack, which is the cause of this note.
Could that article on the poppy be put in the September edition please (the one that goes out in October) – then people will read it in October and hopefully make their usual generous donations. I will also have a piece for the October VV, showing how money has been spent on helping 2 ex-military personnel have life-saving medical help.
Enjoy Wakes!!!
Regards, Jean Jackson

from Village Voice, Tideswell https://ift.tt/2LdimcV
via IFTTT Litton Village Shop cannot be held responsible for the content of this post.