Report of research project for a Community Centre in Tideswell.
Representatives of Tideswell Parish Council and Tideswell and District Community Association formed a working group to research the need and want for a Community Centre in Tideswell. The group was formed to look at creating a multi-purpose centre, much larger than existing and proposed buildings in the Village. This was to offer larger function spaces, a community centre and an indoor sports facility.
After the Scout hut fire, the Parish Council contacted Tideswell Youth Club Committee to discuss the possibility of working together to provide a new, bigger facility. The initial idea was to work in partnership to develop a facility at the Sports Complex to allow better access and parking to the venue. Following discussions the Committee informed the Council that they had to replace the building as per their tenancy agreement and did not wish to work together on a new location project.
The working group looked at possible locations in the Village. It was agreed that the only feasible location for a large site, suitable for indoor sport, would be at the Sports Complex. To house a Community Centre, suitable for large functions the site needed to provide suitable parking and disabled access.
Following a donation to the Parish Council, a company offered to produce at a heavily reduced rate, a design of what the Community Centre could look like externally. An internal design was provided, however it was always stated that internally, the community centre would need to be designed and created carefully with the user groups input.
Questionnaire and display of design idea
At the Parish Council Open Day in September 2017, the group showcased the design boards and had copies of a questionnaire to give to members of the public to answer some basic questions.
Although the questionnaire was only completed by about 30 people, over all the idea was positively received. Concerns were raised about the other venues in the area and what effect this would have on them.
Other Venues
It was decided by the TCC working group, to contact the venues in the Parish which were available for public hire. A questionnaire with questions about capacity, facilities and usage was created and sent to St John’s Church, St John’s Institute, Fountain Square Church, The George (upstairs room hire), TADVO re Scout Hut rebuild and Nicholson Court.
The results of the questionnaire revealed that the existing facilities in the Parish and those currently about to be redeveloped offer quite a range of facilities for the Parish.
Fountain Square Church will be able to hold 200 people split between the two main rooms, there will also be a smaller meeting room which will be able to hold 20 people.
The institute main room can hold 80 people.
The newly refurbished Nicholson Court has a new facility for hire which can hold 40 people.
The George had not responded to the questionnaire at the time of creating this report, but the upstairs room capacity is approx. 60 people.
TADVO at this time could not give accurate details on capacity but did provide us with as much information as is currently available.
All of the above facilities offer a range of activities and welcome new users.
It has also been reported that The Merchant’s Yard is opening an 80 seat venue in the near future.
After receiving the information from the existing venues it was decided that at this time the need for a community centre was not a priority for the village. An indoor Sports facility is desirable but as a stand-alone project would be difficult to finance and maintain.
Bearing in mind the current and projected meeting room capacity we will put the project on hold pending future developments. The working party recommends to the Parish Council and Community Association that a group continue to work together and explore possible refurbishment and redevelopment of the existing sports complex building.
from Village Voice, Tideswell
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