Friday, 30 March 2018

Local news... Tideswell food festival Road Closures URGENT

Hello, I requested that a date be added to the below article in the latest issue of village voice and unfortunately it was missed off, is there any possibility of this being updated on the web edition as it is quite important for the residents of Tideswell. Many thanks
Sent from my iPad
On 20 Mar 2018, at 13:00, Terri James <<a href="javascript:DeCryptX('2v2g2t3u2k1/3m0a3p0e1t1A3k0o0t2o2c0i2n313f2q1/2w2m')" >terri [dot] james [at] hotmail [dot] co [dot] uk<<a href="javascript:DeCryptX('1u1f2t0r0i0.3m1b1n1f2u2B1i1p0t3p0a1j1m1/3f2q200u0k')">mailto:terri [dot] james [at] hotmail [dot] co [dot] uk>> wrote:
Sorry but I missed of a date from the below announcement, can this be added please. By midday on 12th April
Many thanks
Tideswell Food festival Saturday 5th May Temporary Road Closures
Applications have been made to Derbyshire Dales District Council for temporary road closures on Saturday 5th May . No main roads will be closed . The side roads at Church Street, Fountain Street and The Pot Market will be closed from 6am to 6pm to enable stall holders to set up prior to opening time. If anyone has any concerns please phone 07973866848 or email tideswellfoodfestival [at] gmail [dot] com<<a href="javascript:DeCryptX('3w2k1e0e0s0w3h2n3o3i2q3r0d2h3h2u0t3l3y2c1m0@1h2o0a0i2n203f2q3p')">mailto:tideswellfoodfestival [at] gmail [dot] com> by midday on 12th April 2018.

from Village Voice, Tideswell
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Monday, 26 March 2018

Local news... Diary Date

Sat. 5th May – Antiques, Vintage & Collectables Sale, 10am-4pm at 2 Church Street, Tideswell. China, books, bric-a-brac, kitchenalia, and more. Sent from my iPad

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Pete, I recently sent you a request, and an article on the poppy appeal red poppy, and asked if you could find a space sometime in the summer. Thinking a little further, could the article go in the VV edition with the September 20 deadline – it means people would read it during October and know what it means when they buy poppy in November. Many thanks, Jean Jackson

from Village Voice, Tideswell
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Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Local news... IMPORTANT Fwd: Litton Parish 2

Please will you use this version of my Village Voice article  and  ignore the one I sent previously – last night at about 11.00 pm. Thank you very much indeed. John Evans —–Original Message—– From: evansjvns1 <<a href="javascript:DeCryptX('3h1w1b3q1t3m2x1o2u233C2c3r0l313f2q1n')" >evansjvns1 [at] aol [dot] com> To: articles <<a href="javascript:DeCryptX('3d3u3w1j0c0l3h3v0@3y3l1m2n1b2i2g2x2q3l2e2g0t0i1e2g1t1x0e2n1m1/1p0r0g0.3x3n')" >articles [at] villagevoicetideswell [dot] org [dot] uk> Sent: Tue, Mar 20, 2018 10:25 pm Subject: Litton Parish I have one item to report this month. It is, however, an important one. I have written before about why the Council can be a force for good in the Parish and why we need representation from all the villages in the Parish, so I will not repeat that entreaty. The Council has a membership of seven Councillors. It now has five with two vacancies. The five are all drawn from the village of Litton . I have explained before that the Litton Councillors feel uncomfortable about making decisions without the input of residents from other areas of the Parish. In their absence Litton Councillors try to compensate in their decision making by asking themselves what residents from other parts of the Parish would think. That is an unnecessary burden to place on volunteers who are not supported by those on whose behalf they wish to be as fair as possible and to do them good. At its March meeting the Council agreed to advertise to fill the two vacancies by co-option and to place applications from residents who live outside Litton village as the priority. This means that if there are two or more  suitable candidates then those from outside Litton will be appointed. The vacancies will be advertised on notice boards and interested residents should apply to the Clerk, Gill Turner at littonparishcouncil [at] gmail [dot] com. All you have to do is write a letter saying why you wish to join the Council ( motivation ) and what life experience and skills you will bring to the team ( contribution to the Council ). You may like to do this now.  If the Council is not able to co-opt Councillors  from outside Litton then , if it is possible , it  will fill vacancies from within Litton. At the end of the day it is more important that the Parish has an energetic  Council of seven  people with the appropriate skills  than it has representation from across the Parish. There is no reason why five people should try to do the work of seven. As I mentioned in a previous Village Voice Article, Chris Thirtle ( Litton Mill ) and myself ( Litton ) are resigning in May and so this appeal is not for our benefit but for the five Councillors who will continue after May. Of these one has been a councilor for some time ( Gordon Rook ), two are relatively new ( Rachel Rennie and Neil Gregory ), and two will join in May ( Jayne Mc Millan and Kevin Oscroft ). So anyone else who joins will be part of a new team with fresh ideas.   Regards , John Evans ( Chair )

from Village Voice, Tideswell
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Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Local news... Litton Parish

I have one item to report this month. It is, however, an important one.
I have written before about why the Council can be a force for good in the Parish and why we need representation from all the villages in the Parish, so I will not repeat those entreaties.
The Council has a membership of seven Councillors. It now has five with two vacancies. The five are all drawn from the village of Litton . I have explained before that the Litton Councillors feel uncomfortable about making decisions without the input of residents from other areas of the Parish. In their absence Litton Councillors try to compensate in their decision making by asking themselves what residents from other parts of the Parish would think. That is an unnecessary burden to place on volunteers who are not supported by those on whose behalf they wish to be as fair as possible and to do them good.
At its March meeting the Council agreed to advertise to fill the two vacancies by co-option and to place as a priority applications from residents who live outside Litton village. This means that if there are two or more  suitable candidates then those from outside Litton will be appointed. The vacancies will be advertised on notice boards and interested residents should apply to the Clerk, Gill Turner at littonparishcouncil [at] gmail [dot] com. All you have to do is write a letter saying why you wish to join the Council ( motivation ) and what life experience and skills you will bring to the team ( contribution to the Council ). You may wish to do this now.
 If the Council is not able to co-opt Councillors  from outside Litton then , if it is possible , it  will fill vacancies from within Litton. At the end of the day it is more important that the Parish has an energetic  Council of seven  people with the appropriate skills  than it has representation from across the Parish. There is no reason why five people should try to do the work of seven.
John Evans ( Chair )

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Local news... The New TidzaOrchard PLANTING DAY – Saturday 24th March – Wheston Bank – 10 am to 4 pm

The NewTidzaOrchard PLANTING DAY – Saturday 24th March – Wheston Bank – 10 am to 4 pm ALL WELCOMEUnsurprisingly the snowdrifts and freezing winds of last weekend meant postponing our Orchard Planting Day. The new day is Saturday 24th March. So come along and help plant a tree – come for an hour, or the whole day,or just to say hello. Bring a hot drink andwe’ll provide the cakes (but more cakes are always welcome). Please bring gloves and any tools (e.g. spades, forks, wheelbarrows) but don’t worry if don’t have anybecause we have some spare. We’re looking forward to seeing you, the more the merrier – and many hands make light work. (email tidzaorchard [at] yahoo [dot] com, or phone 01298 937005, or visit our website at to find out more)

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Local news... Fw: Charity Bingo at The Star

Hi Pete,Can you please add ‘All proceeds will go to the school’ at the bottom.Thanks,Griff.
David Griffith. mobile 07809213503  
On Tuesday, 20 March 2018, 16:23, David Griffith <<a href="javascript:DeCryptX('3g3d1w1j1e0j1h3j0r0i1g2h1j1u0h1A2{1b0h1p3r0.1d2q202w2m')" >davidjggriffith [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] uk> wrote:
Hi Pete,Can you put these in please?Thanks in anticipation,Griff.  Charity Bingo at The Star in aid of Bishop Pursglove School.From 8pm on Monday 30th April.£20 for 36 chances to win total prizes of £150.5 full houses of £10 & 1 for a whopping £100! There will also be a prize raffle. Can you also put in that Tideswell Male Voice Choir are having a similar event on April 2nd. David Griffith. mobile 07809213503  

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Local news... Diamond Wedding

Gren and Joy Bramley and family would like to thank all their friends for braving the weather on March 17th to attend their party at St Johns Institute.Their presence made it for us all a memorable occasion We all enjoyed a sumptuous tea served to us by Heart of The Peak Catering ,their care and attention to detail was really “The Icing on The Cake”. An added bonus for us is that we have been able to send £305 to Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice a cause dear to our hearts so many thanks to all our dear friends

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Local news... Charity Bingo at The Star

Hi Pete,Can you put these in please?Thanks in anticipation,Griff.  Charity Bingo at The Star in aid of Bishop Pursglove School.From 8pm on Monday 30th April.£20 for 36 chances to win total prizes of £150.5 full houses of £10 & 1 for a whopping £100! There will also be a prize raffle. Can you also put in that Tideswell Male Voice Choir are having a similar event on April 2nd. David Griffith. mobile 07809213503  

from Village Voice, Tideswell
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Local news... Fwd: Tideswell food festival Road Closures URGENT

Sorry but I missed of a date from the below announcement, can this be added please. By midday on 12th April
Many thanks
Tideswell Food festival Saturday 5th May Temporary Road Closures
Applications have been made to Derbyshire Dales District Council for temporary road closures on Saturday 5th May . No main roads will be closed . The side roads at Church Street, Fountain Street and The Pot Market will be closed from 6am to 6pm to enable stall holders to set up prior to opening time. If anyone has any concerns please phone 07973866848 or email tideswellfoodfestival [at] gmail [dot] com<<a href="javascript:DeCryptX('0t3l0d1f3v3z3h1m2n3i1p3r3g2h0e2u1u2k3y3d2n3C1h3p1b1j3o200c1p3p')">mailto:tideswellfoodfestival [at] gmail [dot] com> by midday on 12th April 2018.

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Local news... TS copy

Hi Pete, It would be good to catch up sometime. I gather you’re moving – hope all goes well. Our paths might cross with TS / TCP Armed Man event in the autumn.
Best wishes Carol
Tideswell Singers announce forthcoming appearances Tideswell Singers are pleased to sing at Tideswell Food Festival on Saturday 5th May, an event they have been proud to support since it started in 2010. Included in the repertoire for this event are appropriate food and drink related songs – to whet your appetites! Later in the month, Wednesday 23rd May, The Singers will provide a selection of music to suit a spring evening in the idyllic surroundings of the Orangery at Cressbrook Hall. Spring Serenade promises to be a delightful occasion with chance to relax and enjoy a concert of music, inspired by night and nature, followed by wine and cheeses as you admire the stunning scenery over Cressbrook Dale. As Mrs Hull-Bailey has offered Tideswell Singers the opportunity to sing at Cressbrook Hall, they are proud support a charity close to her heart, ‘Save the Children’, to which proceeds from the event will be donated. The programme demonstrates how Tideswell Singers relish the challenge to sing music in a variety of styles and genre; you will be able to hear the atmospheric ‘Sure on the shining night’ by American composer Morten Lauridson along with majesty of Rachmaninov’s setting of ‘Ave Maria’ in Church Slavonic. ‘Night and Day’ and ‘Fields of Gold’ will be more familiar, as is Howard Goodall’s setting of Psalm 23, which we all know as the theme to ‘The vicar of Dibley’. Hopefully there will be something to appeal to all musical tastes and maybe bring a pleasant surprise. Why not give yourself a midweek treat as the evenings grow longer and warmer! Tickets (£15) include wine and cheese are available from Tideswell Stores, Litton Shop and from members of the choir. The choir rehearses on Wednesdays at 7:30pm in Litton Village Hall (Litton Church on the second Wednesday of the month). New members are always welcome. For more information visit or call Carol Bowns 01298 213577 Carol Bowns 6 Serpentine Court 51 St John’s Road Buxton Derbyshire SK17 6XA
t: 01298 213577 m: 07748 161120

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Monday, 19 March 2018

Local news... village voice April 2018

Local news... village voice April 2018

Local news... Reading Group

New Reading Group for Tideswell (name to be decided..)

– Do you enjoy reading?
– Do you like the idea of reading books you would not normally read?
– Do you enjoy discussions?
– Do you enjoy socialising?

If so.. would you be interested in being part of a new Reading Group for Tideswell?
For thoughts, comments and/or to express an interest please contact Janet Walker via email or text.

Email: janet [dot] sewart [at] talktalk [dot] net <<a href="javascript:DeCryptX('3m3d3q1f1u311t1f0w3d2t1u3C2v3d2n1l1u1b1m3n203q2g2v')">mailto:janet [dot] sewart [at] talktalk [dot] net>
Mobile: 07929 242739

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Local news... Fwd: Tideswell food festival

Hello Iv submitted a save the day notice re the food festival, can we also post the following notice in the events section for the next two issues .
Many thanks.
Tideswell Food Festival 2018 There has been more interest than ever before from traders this year so you can expect a wide range of street food as well as items for the store cupboard plus great gift ideas for friends and family. There will be bread , biscuits, cakes, pies and preserves along with a selection of doggy treats. There will also be a choice of Thai, Indian and polish cuisine, Lincolnshire sausages , BBQ, Burgers, wraps , and those ever popular crispy spiral spuds! And finally an array of artisan crafts will be available in St. John’s church so make sure you have Saturday 5th May in your diary , it’s going to be a great day.
Road closure Saturday 5th May
Applications have been made to Derbyshire Dales District Council for temporary road closures on Saturday 5th May . No main roads will be closed . The side roads at Church Street, Fountain Street and The Pot Market will be closed from 6am to 6pm to enable stall holders to set up prior to opening time. If anyone has any concerns please phone 07973866848 or email tideswellfoodfestival [at] gmail [dot] com<<a href="javascript:DeCryptX('1u0i3g3h1t1x3h2n2n2h1p1p0d2h3h0s0t3l0v3d0l3C1h3p1b3l0l0.2e0o2o')">mailto:tideswellfoodfestival [at] gmail [dot] com>
Sent from my iPad
On 9 Mar 2018, at 19:02, Terri James <<a href="javascript:DeCryptX('1u2g2t3u2k1/0j3d2o1f2u1A1i0o1u2o1b1j3o202e1p0.1v3n')" >terri [dot] james [at] hotmail [dot] co [dot] uk<<a href="javascript:DeCryptX('1u1f3u2t0i1/3m1b1n3h3v1A2j3r0t0m1b0i2n0.0c2q203x2m')">mailto:terri [dot] james [at] hotmail [dot] co [dot] uk>> wrote:
Hello Can we add this article in the dates for your diary section for the Next two issues please.
Save the Day Tideswell Food Festival 2018 Saturday 5th May 10am – 4pm
For all enquiries and details of stall hire please contact bookings [dot] tideswellfoodfestival [at] gmail [dot] com<<a href="javascript:DeCryptX('0b2q2q1l2k1o3j3v0.0t1j1e3h3v3z1f2n3o3i2q2q2f3i2g1t0t2k0v0a0l2B2i0m2c2k3o0.1d2q1n')">mailto:bookings [dot] tideswellfoodfestival [at] gmail [dot] com>
Kind regards Terri James
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Local news... TDCA March Results

*Tideswell Community Quiz*
on Saturday 21st April 8pm in the Institute. £3 per person
Nibbles provided. Please bring your own drink.
Good raffle prizes. All welcome.
*This is to raise funds for a second Defibrillator in the village.*

*Future Events*

*Saturday 5th May Food Festival*
TDCA will be running a *“Wine & Water” Stall.* Come along and support us and all those taking part to make it a great event.

*Sunday 6th May Litter Collection*
We will be clearing litter at the Sports Complex from 10 – 12 noon.
Please come and help us if you can.

*March 2018 200+ Club Draw Results*

*£25-071, £20-131, £10-066, £10-159 & £10-150*

*Congratulations to all the winners*
If you would like to join the T.D.C.A. and be entered into the monthly draw please contact either Judy Cooke on 872408 or Dorothy Whitehouse on 871661.

*Web Site*
*Our new web site should be live very shortly. Keep checking*

*Welcome Pack*
A free “Welcome Pack” full of useful information about the district is available for collection at Peaches Fruit & Vegetable shop in Tideswell.

If you wish to advertise in the pack the co-ordinator is Nikki Turton who can be contacted on 07876763730 or at info [at] thecornerhousetideswell [dot] co [dot] uk can organisations please let her know of any changes to your details that we currently have: – i.e. changed phone numbers etc.?
*Need some funding for a local group project?*
TDCA is always happy to consider written applications from groups within the community who need extra financial support for a project. Please send any such applications to the Secretary, Graham Thompson, Rebethnal Cottage, Buxton Road, Tideswell.

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Local news... Tideswell Cinema films

A Feast of Films! As well as Tideswell Cinema’s monthly film, we also have our third Double Bill with Meal of the season, featuring two films that star the much loved and respected British actor, Emma Thompson. This popular event will be on SUNDAY 22nd April (please note the change of date from our printed programme), starting at 3.45 p.m. at The George. Our opening film is ‘The Remains of the Day’, in which Anthony Hopkins plays a straight-laced and strict butler in a stately home, and Emma Thompson is Miss Kenton the housekeeper. The butler’s understanding of decorum and appropriate behaviour is threatened when Miss Kenton falls in love with him. Both actors received an Oscar for their performances. After the meal, we continue with the ‘quirkily humorous’ romantic comedy ‘The Tall Guy’, in which Emma is joined by Jeff Goldblum and Rowan Atkinson. It is important to book for this event, as we pre-order meals; full details are on, or can be obtained by email mail [at] tideswellcinema [dot] com or by phoning Margaret on 01298 871681. The meal costs £10, and films to non- members are £5, with payment ON THE DAY.
Our April film is the French ‘Day for Night’, and will be shown at 7.30 p.m. on Thursday 26th at The George. This is Francois Truffaut’s loving and humorous tribute to the insanity of film making! The story features a committed film director struggling to complete his movie while coping with a myriad of crises, personal and professional, among cast and crew. Starring Jacqueline Bisset, the film won an Oscar and a BAFTA for Best Foreign Language Film in 1973. The evening is open to all, with guest members paying £4, and there is no need to book.

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Local news... Diary

Sunday 22nd Tideswell Cinema Double Bill and Meal 3.45 p.m. Thursday 26th Tideswell Cinema film ‘Day for Night’, 7.30 p.m. The George

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Local news... Article for April issue please–Friends of St Johns: Word and PDF attached

 Julia FellAdding human essence: Midnight Barn, Buxton Road, Tideswell, Derbyshire, SK17 8PG (0)1298 871520 – tel(0)7711 871046 – mobileSkype: Twitter: Juliafelly

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Local news... Dates for April Mindfulness Group

Sat 7th April – Mindfulness Group 10.00am – 1.00pm, Litton Village Hall. Contact jubleefox [at] yahoo [dot] com Sat 21st April – Mindfulness Group 9.00am – 10.00am, Litton Village Hall. Contact jubleefox [at] yahoo [dot] com

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Local news... Tim Dudley 1967-2018

Thank you to all for your kind words and support following the sudden and unexpected death on 24 February of Tim Dudley, my husband and the bookseller at Peak Volumes. He was buried on Friday 16 March at the beautiful church at Milton Clevedon, Somerset, where he was christened and where we were married eight years ago. There will be a memorial service at the Parish Church in Tideswell, and I will announce the date and put a notice in the window of Peak Volumes once it is arranged. The bookshop will remain closed for the moment.
Suzanne Elvidge

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Sunday, 18 March 2018

Local news... Tidza Ramblers

Tidza Ramblers It’s best to draw a veil over February’s walk. Conditions were blizzard-like and there was no pleasure wandering amongst old mine shafts near Peak Forest. It’s the only time we’ve returned with half- eaten sandwiches as it wasn’t possible to stop for long in the freezing temperature. On a fine morning last month it was a treat to set off from Youlgreave on a level grassy path. Care was needed on the steep steps down to Cales Dale. Lathkill Dale is usually an area of utmost tranquility, however not on this occasion. A torrent streamed through a low cave in an area that we’ve only seen dry before. Despite the absence of a bank, the water made an impressive right turn to form the source of the river. The noise and force completely altered the nature of the dale. Lunch was at a leisurely pace by the stone clapper bridge close to Over Haddon. We crossed over for the last uphill stretch. Though little evidence of spring, there was a strong sense of it waiting in the wings. Helen Royle.

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Saturday, 17 March 2018

Local news... Easter Egg Hunt

This years Annual Easter Egg Hunt will take place on Sunday 1st April 2018 in the grounds of the Parish Church.
Plenty of eggs to be hunted down again and, of course, a few golden rabbits will be hiding somewhere.
Start time will be 11:30, after the church service has finished, and everybody is welcome to attend.
You are also welcome to attend the Easter church service beforehand. Tea and coffee will be served after the service at the rear of the church, there may even be a biscuit or two!
Could I please ask, not that I should have to, that dog owners who “exercise” their dogs in the churchyard please pick up after their animals in the weeks leading to up to this event. The event is mainly enjoyed by young children who roam around the grounds of the church rooting through the bushes and the grass in search of chocolate eggs and the last thing we want is for them to get covered in s*@t!
Bag it and bin it please, it’s not hard.

Kind regards
Howie Thurlby

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Friday, 16 March 2018

Local news... Fwd: Copy for next issue please

Could you please confirm that this has been received?? Wasn’t sure where to send it! Many thanksClare  ——– Original message ——–From: Clareblanchon <<a href="javascript:DeCryptX('0C2n1b2t1f0b3o2c3q1d1i0o1o0@3d3r0l202e0o2o')" >Clareblanchon [at] aol [dot] com> Date: 06/03/2018 15:49 (GMT+00:00) To: articles [at] villagevoicetideswell [dot] org [dot] uk Subject: Copy for next issue please Could the following please be included in the next village voice. Tideswell Community First Responders are holding a coffee morning on Saturday 7th April 10am to 12 noon. As well as hot drinks there’ll be a tombola and a delicious cake stall. Come along and support us and meet the First Responders Team Hope that’s ok, any problems please get in touchClare Blanchon2 Victoria Cottages Sherwood Road Tideswell Tel 07811 989 146 Sent from Samsung tablet.

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Local news... Scouts St. Georges parade in Tideswell.

Hi Pete – please could the following go in the next issue of Village Voice:-


Peak District Scouts are planning to hold their annual St Georges parade and service in Tideswell
On Sunday April 22nd. From 2.30 p.m.

Scouts from throughout the district will assemble in Market square before parading down High street
and Queen street as far as the Horse and Jockey where the parade will turn round and parade back up
Queen Street and Commercial road to the Pot Market and into St. Johns Church.

As part of the process of obtaining Temporary Road Closures we are required by Derbyshire Dales District Council
to consult with affected residents and businesses to ensure local support. If anyone has any comments please
make contact with Bob Barrett, Group Scout Leader on 07931665958 or by email to bobfromtidza [at] btinternet [dot] com.

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Local news... Article

World Book Day at Bishop Pursglove
We had a great time on World Book Day- (postponed because of the weather)! Even though we had another big dump of snow, all the classes went to such effort! In Class Reception, we had lots of princesses and superheroes. We also had traditional characters like Goldilocks and Where’s Wally. Some children brought their books to demonstrate their character. The Class Voted on which two they would like to read over the course of the day and they decided on a new Supertato story brought in by Lenny Pedley-Burns and a new Frozen story brought in by Anabelle Pace. It was great to hear some new stories and watch the children role-play their favourite characters during the day. Thanks again to all for joining in and making our World Book Day another special one!
Amy Mallender – Reception Teacher

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Thursday, 15 March 2018

Local news... TDCA announcement

Hi Pete
Will you please place this announcement on the Tideswell and District Community Association page of the next edition of Village Voice
The TDCA is delighted to announce that their new website has been published by our Webmaster Bernard O’Sullivan. You can check it out on
Please contact me if there are any problems,
Graham (Thompson) TDCA Secretary
872478 / 07817 300719

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Local news... Article for publication

Hulley’s Buses
In 1972 a twelve year old lad pointed his new camera at a service bus as it waited on the stand at Beetwell Street in Chesterfield. He never then thought that he would be taking similar pictures for the next 45 years, and basing his interests and career on leading freelance guided tours and excursions using Hulley’s buses.
The firm was started in 1919 by Henry Hulley who over the years gained more and more service routes and more and more buses (usually running about 20 at any one time – mostly second hand and from all over the country with a wide variety of livery colours). They were well-maintained at their Riverside Garage in Baslow and their claim was that they “always got through” – like the time when some chaps were shovelling away at a snowdrift and a Hulley’s bus charged at it and got clean away. One time however, the bus was stuck in the middle of the road up Derwent and an official asked if it belonged to Hulley’s – “Yes” said the driver, waving the gearstick above his head. Derwent can be a very busy place at times – one photograph showed the queue backed up at Ashopton Viaduct on the day that it took two hours to get to the Marquis. After the amazing crowds at the 1993 Dambusters Flypast, the last people didn’t get away until midnight.
Andy now got into his stride and the anecdotes came thick and fast. Most local people will have heard about them keeping paraffin stoves in the buses on cold winters’ nights and possibly stories of mice running about in the back of a bus, but what about when they were parked up along Calver Road in Baslow with the engines running all night to prevent them freezing up.
Those were the days when buses still had conductors but passengers still used to close the side doors as they left – a Bakewell to Chesterfield return ticket cost two shillings and sixpence and they ran their buses until 10pm. On early excursions, passengers went as far as Blackpool sitting on wooden seats! On Bakewell Show days, they used to beat the traffic jams by taking to the old railway line on what is now the Monsal Trail. One trackside resident was painting his upstairs windows when the Hulley’s went past, nearly falling of his ladder in surprise. But personal service was very important – on seeing a shopping bag at a garden gate, one driver stopped at the kerbside until a flustered housewife came rushing down the garden path having left her handbag in the house.
Hulley’s once bought a second hand bus from a town in Wales called Llandeilo, and for a joke one April Fool’s Day they ran from Monyash to Bakewell with the Llandeilo destination displayed – nobody noticed. What a wealth of stories we heard that night. Thank you Andy, your dedication on this subject is unsurpassed, and everyone is welcome to join us on Thursday April 12th at 8pm in the Institute when Scott Russell will be singing and telling stories of life in the steelworks in Victorian Sheffield.
Brian Woodall

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Local news... Welldressing article 2018

Hi Pete here is the article for April VV
_Welldressings at RHS Chatsworth Flower Show_
Tideswell Welldressers are pleased to, once again, be represented at the RHS Chatsworth Flower Show with a design by Elaine Chapman and Paul Fletcher. The theme given to us this year was for a welldressing based on our town/village or group being represented. __
The welldressing will be made and erected by some of those who help with TIdeswell’s main welldressing. Our group name is Tideswell Welldressers with a design called “Tideswell – Past, Present and Future”. Thanks go to Pete Roberts for his photgraph of Tideswell Church.
The Show is open from Wednesday 6th June to Sunday 10th June. We hope for drier, less windy weather than last year!
Elaine Chapman
Tideswell Welldressers

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Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Local news... Garage on Buxton Road

Last year the Parish Council placed an advertisement to request expressions of interest to replace and rent the space of the Parish Council owned garage on Buxton Road. Since then the Parish Council has had to seek advise regarding permissions to replace the garage and it has come to light that the process is much more complicated than anticipated. It has been decided that the Parish Council will remove the existing garage and is seeking expressions of interest now to rent the area as hard standing. If you would be interested in renting this area for hard standing as a car parking space for example, please contact Hannah Owen on 07738076902 or email, clerk [at] tideswellparishcouncil [dot] co [dot] uk. Please state the rent you would be prepared to pay in your expression of interest. The Parish Council reserves the right to not lease the area if a suitable rent is not offered. We look forward to hearing from you and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Hannah on the above contact number or email.
Hannah Owen
Clerk & Responsible Finance Officer
Tideswell Parish Council
Tel: 07738076902

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Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Local news... Christmas 2018

> > I know, I know, Christmas is the last thing we want to think about and sunnier times are what we are all thinking about…..BUT, > The Parish Council are already putting plans together for the Christmas Lights display 2018. We are really keen to have ideas and suggestions for the displays. If you have any ideas, any suggestions or you want to say where else in the Parish you’d like to see lit up this Christmas, please get in touch with Hannah Owen, Parish Clerk on 07738076902 or email clerk [at] tideswellparishcouncil [dot] co [dot] uk > > The PC only meet 8 times before the lights will be switched on so please get your ideas over to us as soon as possible. > > Hannah Owen > Sent from my iPhone

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Local news... Traffic and Parking

Further to recent reports if concerns about safety due to traffic and parking around the old NatWest bank down to Queen Street, Tideswell Parish Council have requested a representative from Derbyshire County Council highways department come and visit the Parish Council to discuss the issue raised.
The Parish Council often report concerns and issues regarding parking and although there is very little we can do about issues we are trying to encourage the Highways Department to look at the area and advise what methods could improve things.
We will of course update the Parish with any news.

Hannah Owen Sent from my iPhone

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Local news... Potholes

As a result of bad weather there are more and more potholes and damages to road surfaces. Derbyshire County Council need to be informed about any potholes. You can contact them by telephone or if possible please visit the DCC website (link below) and complete the online road fault form. If you can include photographs this will be even better. The more a pothole is reported the higher priority it will get, which means the more reports the quicker the repair.

Hannah Owen Sent from my iPhone

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Local news... Winter Weather

The Parish Council would like to thank Cllr Andrew and his colleagues for all their hard work during the recent bad weather. It has been a big task getting round the village filling grit bins and we are very grateful for all their hard work.
Also a big thank you to volunteers in the Parish who have been gritting roads and paths. We are seeking advice and information on what we can do as a Parish Council to keep pavements and roads clear should we have prolonged bad weather again. We will keep you informed.
Thank you again to those who have given up so much time and effort to keep the village as clear as is possible during difficult circumstances.
Hannah Owen
Clerk & Responsible Finance Officer
Tideswell Parish Council
Tel: 07738076902

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Local news... From Rosie

ANOTHER OF THE LITTON CONCERT SERIES This one will take place at Christ Church, Litton on Saturday, 21st April starting at 7.30 pm. This time you¹ll hear the Skipton Camerata Orchestra playing Bach¹s Brandenburg Concert No 3, Elgar¹s Serenade for Strings, Howell¹s Elegy and Tchaikovsky¹s Souvenir de Florence. DON¹T MISS IT! Adults: £10 Under 16s: £5 To reserve a seat go to Litton Village Shop or ring Rosie 01298 871564 This time we are raising funds for the Marie Curie organisation which is dedicated to the care of those with terminal illness.
Rosie Ford

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Local news... SEO SERVICE Fee For 8 month

I was looking at your website and realizedthat despite having a great design; it was not ranking high on any of thesearch engines (Google, AOLand Bing) for most of the keywords related to your business.
I am affiliated with USA based SEO company thathas helped over 200 businesses achieve first page listing on Google search result page forhighly competitive keywords.
If you are interested, then I can send youour past work details, company information and an affordable quotation with thebest offer.
                    Click Below the link for 8 month freeTrial     
                                         ClickHere To go new Website
Let me know if this of any interest to you.
Also please share me your contact details sothat we can contact you.
Warm Regards,

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Monday, 12 March 2018

Local news... Cressbrook Film Club – April Village Voice

Hi Pete Hawkins,
Here’s the text for our next film at Cressbrook Film Club to appear in the April issue of Village Voice.
Carole Perks 01298 871 451
Friday13th April PRIDE (cert 15, 115mins) A very funny and true story which is part of social history based on an allegiance which developed between striking Welsh miners and a group of gay activists. In 1984 at the Gay Pride March in London, a group of gay and lesbian marchers decide to raise money to support the families of the striking miners. And so begins the extraordinary story of two seemingly alien communities who form a surprising and ultimately triumphant partnership, despite some prejudice on both sides. With Bill Nighy, Imelda Staunton, Dominic West and Paddy Considine. The updates at the end about the main players is inspirational. Doors open 7.30 for 8pm and the bar will be open for refreshments before and after the film. Guest tickets available at £5-00 per film for adults and £3 for kids. Contact Carole Perks on 01298 871 451 to book guest tickets in advance and as ever, there’s a warm welcome for old and new members and guests.

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Local news... Readycall – a friendly local helping hand

Friday, 9 March 2018

Local news... Tideswell food festival

Hello Can we add this article for the April and May issues please.
Save the Day Tideswell Food Festival 2018 Saturday 5th May
For all enquiries and details of stall hire please contact bookings [dot] tideswellfoodfestival [at] gmail [dot] com
Kind regards Terri James
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Hi Pete

I would be grateful if you could include the item below in your April edition if you have the room. I appreciate that this is not Tideswell news but it would be good to reach potential Tideswell audience as this production should be a popular one.

Thank you.

Secretary /Producer
Hope Amateur Independent Theatre (HADIT)
t. 01433 620 665

HADIT are in the last few weeks of rehearsal for their production of Alan Bennett’s warm-hearted adaptation of THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS. Performances are at Hope Methodist Hall, Edale Road from Thurs to Sat 26th-28th April at 7 pm, with a 2 pm matinee on the Saturday. Tickets (£8 Adults, £5 U16) can be purchased from Watson’s Farm Shop or ordered on 01433 620 665, which is also the contact number for further information. (Please note that due to anticipated running time and young attention spans, we are advising a lower age of 6 years with younger children at parent’s discretion.)

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Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Local news... Copy for next issue please

Could the following please be included in the next village voice. Tideswell Community First Responders are holding a coffee morning on Saturday 7th April 10am to 12 noon. As well as hot drinks there’ll be a tombola and a delicious cake stall. Come along and support us and meet the First Responders Team Hope that’s ok, any problems please get in touchClare Blanchon2 Victoria Cottages Sherwood Road Tideswell Tel 07811 989 146 Sent from Samsung tablet.

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Monday, 5 March 2018

Local news... Weather Statistics  –  Tideswell  –  Winter (Dec-Feb) 2017/18



Mean daily maximum:                 5.1 (0.3 below average)

Mean daily minimum:                 0.4 (0.3 below average)

Mean temperature:                   2.7 (0.4 below average)


Highest daily maximum:             10.8 (20th Dec)

Lowest daily maximum:              -4.2 (28th Feb)


Lowest daily minimum:              -8.1 (28th Feb)

Highest daily minimum:              8.1 (29th Jan)


Lowest daily grass minimum:        -9.9 (28th)


Number of air frosts:               39

Number of ground frosts:            57


Days with max 10.0-14.9:             6

Days with max 5.0-9.9:              40

Days with max 0.0-4.9:              42

Days with max -5.0 to -0.1:          2


Frost duration:                   403.7 hours




Total fall:                       387.6 mm (105% of average)

Wettest day (0900-0900)            29.4 mm (13th Dec)

Rain days (0.2 mm or more):         71

Wet days (1.0 mm or more):          53




Days with snow or sleet falling:    38

Days more than 50% cover at 0900:   29

Deepest at 0900:                    12 cm




Total sunshine:                   130.3 hours (108% of average)

Sunniest day:                       7.5 hours (15th Feb)

Days with no sun:                   30


Other phenomena


Days with thunder heard:             0

Days with hail:                     13

Days with fog at 0900:               4



Mean wind speed:                    7.8 mph

Maximum gust:                       51 mph (3rd Jan)

Days with gale:                      0



Temperatures were slightly below average but, overall, it was a very average winter. The exceptional cold of the last day of winter (28th Feb) was the most notable event.


Lots more at

Twitter:  @TideswellWeathr

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Local news... Weather Statistics  –  Tideswell  –  February 2018



Mean daily maximum:                 3.8 (1.5 below average)

Mean daily minimum:                -1.1 (1.6 below average)

Mean temperature:                   1.3 (1.6 below average)


Highest daily maximum:              8.4 (19th, 20th)

Lowest daily maximum:              -4.2 (28th)


Lowest daily minimum:              -8.1 (28th)

Highest daily minimum:              3.5 (21st)


Lowest daily grass minimum:        -9.9 (28th)


Number of air frosts:               18

Number of ground frosts:            23


Days with max 5.0-9.9:              10

Days with max 0.0-4.9:              17

Days with max -5.0 to -0.1:          1


Frost duration:                   226.9 hours




Total fall:                        88.7 mm (93% of average)

Wettest day (0900-0900)            15.6 mm (10th)

Rain days (0.2 mm or more):         19

Wet days (1.0 mm or more):          13




Days with snow or sleet falling:    13

Days more than 50% cover at 0900:   11

Deepest at 0900:                    11cm




Total sunshine:                    61.3 hours (123% of average)

Sunniest day:                       7.5 hours (15th)

Days with no sun:                    6


Other phenomena


Days with thunder heard:             0

Days with hail:                      4

Days with fog at 0900:               1



Mean wind speed:                    7.6 mph

Maximum gust:                       45 mph (13th)

Days with gale:                      0



A very cold month, second only to Feb 2010 in my 10-year record. Despite the cold it was a very sunny month and also rather dry and with near average snowfall. The maximum temperature of -4.2°on the 28thwas, by a considerable margin, the lowest daily max that I have recorded in February. The previous lowest was -0.7° on 3rd Feb 2009


Lots more at

Twitter:  @TideswellWeathr

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Friday, 2 March 2018


Pete, can the following go in the next edition of the magazine please. Help please – I want to put in quite a lengthy article about the history of the redpoppy symbol, too many perhaps of the younger generation don’t know its history. If the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ is added (which I would like) it runs to just over one page of A4 on a size 12 Arial font. Is there any ‘quieter’ month between July and October when this could go in?

ROYAL BRITISH LEGION POPPY APPEAL 2018. Jayne Mcmillan, the Organiser for most of the pubs, Litton and Wardlow, has had to give up her role, which she did on top of a full-time job – thank you Jayne. She managed to persuade Howie Thurlby to take over her ‘tins’, as well as his usual brilliant collection work outside the Co-op and other events, thank you Howie.
Jean Jackson

Regards, Jean

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