Thursday, 22 February 2018

Local news... Weather Statistics January 2018


Mean daily maximum: 5.8 (0.9 above average)
Mean daily minimum: 1.4 (1.0 above average)
Mean temperature: 3.6 (0.9 above average)

Highest daily maximum: 10.8 (28th)
Lowest daily maximum: 1.4 (20th)

Lowest daily minimum: -2.7 (21st)
Highest daily minimum: 8.1 (29th)

Lowest daily grass minimum: – 5.2 (20th)

Number of air frosts: 7
Number of ground frosts: 15

Days with max 10.0-14.9: 3
Days with max 5.0-9.9: 15
Days with max 0.0-4.9: 13

Frost duration: 40.5 hours


Total fall: 168.6 mm (136% of average)
Wettest day (0900-0900) 18.7 mm (15th)
Rain days (0.2 mm or more): 26
Wet days (1.0 mm or more): 23


Days with snow or sleet falling: 11
Days more than 50% cover at 0900: 5
Deepest at 0900: 4 cm


Total sunshine: 30.8 hours (85% of average)
Sunniest day: 5.9 hours (7th)
Days with no sun: 11

Other phenomena

Days with thunder heard: 0
Days with hail: 5
Days with fog at 0900: 1

Mean wind speed: 8.7 mph
Maximum gust: 51 mph (3rd)
Days with gale: 0

A dull, wet and mild month with much less frost and snow than the January average. No notable individual weather events during the month.

Lots more at
Twitter: @TideswellWeathr

from Village Voice, Tideswell
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Local news... Community Coffee

Derbyshire Dales CVS Development workers Jonathan Simcock and Sarah Paisley are hosting a Coffee Morning for community and voluntary groups in Tideswell and area from 10am until midday on Friday 9th March at Tideswell Institute.

Derbyshire Grant Funding and Volunteering organisations will be on-hand to give advice about grant funding and volunteering opportunities with local groups.
Jonathan Simcock, DDCVS development worker and organiser of the event said.

“The coffee morning is open to all Tideswell and area community groups and is also open to the public. It will be a great chance for local groups to get up to date information on grant funding and other community groups. We also hope members of the public come along to learn about the great work of the local voluntary and community groups in Tideswell”.

Entrance to the event is free and light refreshments are being provided.
If you wish to book a place for your community or voluntary group please phone 01629 812154 and ask to speak to Jonathan or Sarah or send an email to enquiries [at] ddcvs [dot] org [dot] uk <mailto:enquiries [at] ddcvs [dot] org [dot] uk>.

from Village Voice, Tideswell
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Local news... Weather Statistics 2017 (Whole year

Local news... Tree Planting Day – Tideswell Community Orchard – Sat 17th March

Come and plant an apple tree – or a plum or a damson tree – for Tideswell Community Orchard.

Tidza Orchard are hosting their first Tree Planting Day on Wheston Bankon Saturday 17th March (St Patricks Day). Please come along, the more the merrier. There will be a gazebo with hot drinks and cake  (although more cake is always welcome). All the heavy work, such as digging the holes, will have been done, so it’s a day to enjoy planting the first trees in Tideswell Community Orchard. There will be gloves and tools to spare, but please bring your own if you have them, or you can just come to watch and support.

On Sunday 18th March we’ll be planting more trees for the children’s orchards on Townhead Playing field and Richard Lane playground, so if you can’t come on Saturday, please join us on Sunday – or come to both.

Bring the family, everyone’s welcome – and if anyone can bring the sunshine they’ll be more than welcome.

For more details please email Tidzaorchard [at] yahoo [dot] com or phone 01298937005.

from Village Voice, Tideswell
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High Peak Diabetic Self Help Group held their February meeting at The Buxton Fire Station. Speaker Ruth Moore, of Slater Gordon gave an informative talk about benefits available for people with diabetes. She gave each member a ” goody bag ” with information and note books, which were well received. Her talk outlined activities and descriptor of these activities. People applying must be specific, for example ” I can walk to my car ” means little, whereas “I am able to walk 100yards without assistance ” is relevant. She described the allowances such as ESA. Ruth was thanked on behalf of the group, by Chairman John Moss, who gave her a bouquet of  English tulips.

from Village Voice, Tideswell
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Local news... Litton Parish Council

The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Wednesday 21 March  from 7.00pm to 8.00pm at Litton Village Hall. This is an important meeting for residents because it is the occasion on which  they can make their views known to Councillors about what they want the Council  to do. This year it is particularly important because the agenda will focus on the future of the Council over the next 3 to 4 years ie what it may or may not be able to do and the impact this will have on your Parish Council Tax. So please come along. In response to comments last year we have moved the start  to the  later time of  7.00pm.

I mentioned in last month’s Village Voice that Phase 1 of the tree maintenance programme  would be undertaken in early February. This has been completed and comments from residents have been favourable. The Council is therefore going ahead with Phase 2 of the work in early April. This will involve, the trees on the greens in Litton which run from the shop down to Curzon Farm, and the fir tree in Litton Mill. Approval for the work has been given by the Peak Park and the details will be displayed on the Parish Notice Board on the shop wall  in Litton. The Council’s appreciation and thanks are extended to the Friends of Litton who have contributed £2000 towards the total cost of a little over £4000 for both Phase 1 and 2. This very generous gift comes from residents who raise money by organizing village events so not only do we have the benefit of the events but also the benefit of the proceeds raised.

Maintenance work continues at the Cemetery. During February , James Warriner ( Handyperson and Grounds Maintenance Contractor ) supported by two volunteer Councillors  spent a day thinning out trees and bushes around the southern and western sides of the cemetery. The remaining bushes and trees will now be able to flourish and in two or three years further selective maintenance can  be undertaken. This now leaves only a relatively short section of the  western boundary to be thinned out.

Remember – 7.00pm  Wednesday 21 March Litton Village Hall and ALL residents are welcome !

John Evans ( Chair )

from Village Voice, Tideswell
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Local news... Singing for Everyone

There are so many different types of choir – along with Choral Societies and Male Voice Choirs we have Rock Choirs, ‘Can’t Sing Choirs’, Chamber Choirs and Community Choirs. So which of these does Tideswell Singers belong to? As a mixed voice choir the only one we don’t belong to is the Male Voice Choir! We consider ourselves very much based in the community, we sing some repertoire from the standard repertoire of choral societies, ‘Can’t Sing Choirs’ are really ‘Everyone Can Sing Choirs’ (which is what we believe) and Rock Choirs are an example of the wide variety of musical styles that Tideswell Singers perform.

So there is something there for everyone! Do come and listen to us when we next perform, you might be surprised! To quote a past audience member ‘I thought I was going to be bored out of my mind but it was really good!’

Watch this space for future events this year – or even better, come along to a rehearsal and find out if you would like to join us.

The choir rehearses on Wednesdays at 7:30pm in Litton Village Hall (Litton Church on the second Wednesday of the month).

For more information visit or call Carol Bowns 01298 213577

Carol Bowns

from Village Voice, Tideswell
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Local news... Wakes 2018


A big thank you for all who supported our coffee morning on 17th February. We raised over £200.

Tideswell Wakes Festivities Committee is looking for enthusiastic young ladies and gentlemen to be part of our 2018 Wakes Royalty & Retinue. Duties include attending events during Wakes Week and representing Tideswell at local carnivals of your choice. Find out more from Suzy Wagstaffe on Suzy [dot] wagstaffe [at] gmail [dot] com


Tideswell Wakes Festivities Petal (Ages 3-5)

Tideswell Wakes Festivities Rosebud (Ages 5-7)

Tideswell Wakes Festivities Princess (Ages 7-11)

Tideswell Wakes Festivities Junior Queen (Age 11 +)

Tideswell Wakes Festivities Queen (Age 14+)

Tideswell Wakes Festivities Pageboy (Ages 3-11)

Entries to be in by 15th April

Road Closures 2018

Applications have been made to Derbyshire Dales District Council for the following Road closures to enable us to run all the parades, Street Market and Inter-Inns Run during wakes week if anyone has any concerns please contact the committee by phone 07850534002 or email at john [dot] hallows [at] sky [dot] com<mailto:john [dot] hallows [at] sky [dot] com> by the 15th April please
The times are correct at the time of printing but please do check the Village Voice publication, the Wakes Programme, Facebook or for any changes nearer the time.

Sat 23rd June 2018 2:45pm-3:45pm Blessing of the Wells, Commercial Road, Queen Street, Fountain Street, returning to the Pot Market

Mon 25th June 2018 7:00pm– 8:15pm Inter Inns Run Buxton Road, Queen Street, Commercial Road, Whitecross Road, Conjoint Lane, Church Lane Commercial Road, Bank Square, High Street

Sat 30th June 2018 8:00am – 6:00pm Street Market Pot Market

Carnival Parade 2:45-4:45pm Chantry Court, Whitecross Road, Commercial Road, High Street, Manchester Road, Sherwood Road, Pinfold Road, Richard Lane, Buxton Road, Queen Street and return to Chantry Court + 9:45-10:45 Torchlight Procession Manchester Road, High Street, Queen Street, Buxton Road, Commercial Road, Whitecross Road Tideswell

Thank you to everyone who marshalled parades last year; we couldn’t run events requiring road closures without you! We’ll need help with the road closures listed above in 2018, please contact the following Committee members if you can help again or for the first time:

Jo Bothamley Tel No: 07730043646 or jobot79 [at] icloud [dot] com

John Hallows Tel No: 07850534002 or john [dot] hallows [at] sky [dot] com

Planning a Float for the Carnival Parade?

We’re really hoping many of you have already caught the Tidza Wakes ‘bug’ and are planning house or street decorations, fancy dress costume or the theme of your float for the Carnival Parade! Our aim is to make Wakes enjoyable and fun but also safe for everyone involved or spectating, particularly the Carnival Parade on Saturday 30th June which relies on brightly decorated floats, fancy dress costumes, musical accompaniment and Bands to give it the WOW factor. But here comes the important bit…….with growing interest from people entering floats in the Carnival, the Committee needs everyone entering a float to register before 5 pm on Friday 29th June. Then we can pre-plan the procession, reduce waiting and make sure the procession showcases both floats and Bands. It may not be possible to include floats in the Parade that have not registered in advance.
When you register we will need basic details such as the type of vehicle, the theme, whether it will have music playing on the float and insurance. We cannot insure vehicle owners against a motor accident that occurs during the Parade, whilst a motor accident is an unlikely event and our insurance covers all other types of accidents or damage, we need you to inform your vehicle insurer that you intend to use the vehicle as a float so you have the correct cover on Carnival Day. If this is unwelcome news, please, please DON’T abandon your plans but DO get in contact with the Committee to discuss your concerns, we can’t solve every issue but would like the opportunity to try! To register your float, please contact
Andrew on andrew [at] tideswellwakes [dot] info or see any member of the team before 5 pm on Friday 29th June.

Tideswell Wakes Festivities Committee


from Village Voice, Tideswell
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Local news... TDCA 200+ Club

February Draw results

£50 – 044; £25 – 199; £20 – 214;

£10 – 320; £10 – 027; £10 – 086

Congratulations to the LUCKY WINNERS!

NEW SEASON begins on 1st APRIL

This Tideswell Lottery is the main fundraiser for Community Association.
It is so easy to join, only £12 a year and there are cash prizes every

Our collectors will be out and about, but it is simple to pay through the
bank by Standing Order.

Do you want to join us, need information? Phone Dorothy on 871661 or
Judy on 872408

WELCOME PACKS for new residents, full of Village information, are in
stock and available from Vikki in Peaches. Any enquiries about advertising
in the packs or alteration to club and society details, please contact
Nikki Turton our coordinator info [at] cornerhousetideswell [dot] co [dot] uk


Tideswell and District Community Association is about to launch a brand new
colourful, informative website created by Bernard O’Sullivan.

So watch this space.

from Village Voice, Tideswell
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Local news... Contrasts

Chatsworth was peaceful due to an unusual absence of cars and people. A sign for the unwary warns that the steps to the hunting tower are steep but we needed no such reminding. A lean robin triggered a memory of the plump one seen on our last visit that sat within yards for several minutes with a large crumb in its beak pondering what to do with its good fortune from one of our sandwiches. The stroll through the forest is always pleasant as are views of the estate when emerging into the open. It was then downhill to Calton Lees from where we passed a previously derelict barn, now an attractive
holiday cottage. It was tempting to peek through the windows. On a windless January day the lunch stop overlooking Chatsworth was superb. We admired the first snowdrops of the year in Edensor towards the end of a perfect winter walk.

It was forecast to snow all day so the planned walk was abandoned and we set off initially light hearted on a local route thinking thescenery would be as shown on Christmas cards. However soon after Bushey Heath Farm conditions became blizzard-like and it was no fun wandering close to the old mine shafts attempting to find the path. The sky cleared just long enough to make a short stop possible and we huddled by a wall to have a drink and bite to eat. ( I’ve never brought a half-eaten lunch home before. ) We didn’t go down to Peak Forest as intended but came back over the Mount and then to Wheston. Enjoyment of the day was minimal. However to sit down in the evening warm and comfortable in clean attire after an unhurried meal was at least some recompense for earlier tribulations.

from Village Voice, Tideswell
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