Thursday, 6 September 2018

Local news... Weather Statistics  –  Tideswell  –  Summer (Jun-Aug) 2018



Mean daily maximum:                22.1 (2.9 above average)

Mean daily minimum:                11.1 (0.8 above average)

Mean temperature:                  16.6 (1.8 above average)


Highest daily maximum:             30.3 (26th Jul)

Lowest daily maximum:              14.5 (24th Aug)


Lowest daily minimum:               4.9 (31st Aug)

Highest daily minimum:             16.2 (3rd Aug)


Lowest daily grass minimum:         0.8 (31st Aug)


Number of air frosts:                0

Number of ground frosts:             0


Days with max 30.0-34.9:             1

Days with max 25.0-29.9:            24

Days with max 20.0-24.9:            33

Days with max 15.0-19.9:            31

Days with max 10.0-14.9:             3


Frost duration:                     0.0 hours




Total fall:                        94.5  mm (35% of average)

Wettest day (0900-0900)            14.5  mm (26th Aug)

Rain days (0.2 mm or more):         29

Wet days (1.0 mm or more):          17




Days with snow or sleet falling:     0

Days more than 50% cover at 0900:    0

Deepest at 0900:                     0 cm




Total sunshine:                   472.8 hours (142% of average)

Sunniest day:                      14.0 hours (22nd Jun)

Days with no sun:                    4


Other phenomena


Days with thunder heard:             2

Days with hail:                      0

Days with fog at 0900:               0



Mean wind speed:                    4.9 mph

Maximum gust:                       45 mph (14th Jun)

Days with gale:                      0



By a considerable margin, it was the hottest, driest and sunniest summer in my 10-year record. There’s a substantial short-term rainfall deficit but over the past 365 days the rainfall has been 91% of the 365-day average, so not a significant deficit over that length of time.



Much more at

Twitter: @TideswellWeathr

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Local news... Weather Statistics  –  Tideswell  –  August 2018



Mean daily maximum:                20.2 (1.3 above average)

Mean daily minimum:                11.3 (0.7 above average)

Mean temperature:                  15.7 (0.9 above average)


Highest daily maximum:             27.8 (5th)

Lowest daily maximum:              14.5 (24th)


Lowest daily minimum:               4.9 (31st)

Highest daily minimum:             16.2 (3rd)


Lowest daily grass minimum:         0.8 (31st)


Number of air frosts:                0

Number of ground frosts:             0


Days with max 25.0-29.9:             3

Days with max 20.0-24.9:            12

Days with max 15.0-19.9:            14

Days with max 10.0-14.9:             2


Frost duration:                     0.0 hours




Total fall:                        43.7  mm (50% of average)

Wettest day (0900-0900)            14.5  mm (26th)

Rain days (0.2 mm or more):         15

Wet days (1.0 mm or more):           9




Days with snow or sleet falling:     0

Days more than 50% cover at 0900:    0

Deepest at 0900:                     0 cm




Total sunshine:                    90.3 hours (99% of average)

Sunniest day:                       9.7 hours (31st)

Days with no sun:                    2


Other phenomena


Days with thunder heard:             1

Days with hail:                      0

Days with fog at 0900:               0



Mean wind speed:                    5.1 mph

Maximum gust:                       33 mph (26th)

Days with gale:                      0



Yet another remarkable month. It was the hottest and driest August in my 10-year record. Sunshine was only average, though.



Much more at

Twitter: @TideswellWeathr

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Friday, 31 August 2018

Local news... Remember the 50s and ‘60s?

If so, you’re warmly invited to a Golden Memories Afternoon with Tea.

Wednesday 19th September, 3pm to 5.30pm, Wormhill Village Hall.

Music and Memories of the1950s and 1960s or even before! Share your memories!

It would be wonderful if you could bring memorabilia of those times and there will be opportunity to talk about, write down or, with your permission, to have items copied for community archives. Volunteers on hand to help.

Free Community Transport  available from  villages in the parish. Details later!

To book places, please phone Ruth Taylor on 01298 22529; leave ruth your contact details, and we will be in touch about transport.

The event is being totally funded by The Bishop Pursglove and Francis Gisbourne Trusts.

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The traditional red poppies and other products sold during November are made and sold as a symbol of remembrance, and love and care for all those whose lives were either lost or changed in service to their country.

There are many people in Tideswell and District who already know this history, but donations for the Poppy Appeal are always so generous I hope you find the following helpful.

During the First World War (1914–1918) much of the fighting took place in Western Europe. Previously beautiful countryside was blasted, bombed and fought over, again and again. The landscape swiftly turned to fields of mud: bleak and barren scenes where little or nothing could grow.  Bright red Flanders poppies, however, were delicate but resilient flowers and grew in their thousands, flourishing even in the middle of chaos and destruction.  In early May 1915, shortly after losing a friend in Ypres, a Canadian doctor, Lt Col John McCrae, was inspired by the sight of poppies to write a now famous poem called ‘In Flanders Fields‘, set out below.

McCrae’s poem inspired an American academic, Moina Michael, to make and sell red silk poppies which were brought to England by a French woman, Anna GuĂ©rin. The (Royal) British Legion, formed in 1921, ordered 9 million of these poppies and sold them on 11 November that year. The poppies sold out almost immediately and that first ever ‘Poppy Appeal’ raised over £106,000; a considerable amount of money at the time. This was used to help WW1 veterans with employment and housing.

The following year, Major George Howson set up the Poppy Factory to employ disabled ex-Servicemen. Today, the factory and the Legion’s warehouse in Aylesford produces millions of poppies each year.

The demand for poppies in England was so high that few were reaching Scotland. Earl Haig’s wife established the ‘Lady Haig Poppy Factory’ in Edinburgh in 1926 to produce poppies exclusively for Scotland. Over 5 million Scottish poppies (which have four petals and no leaf unlike poppies in the rest of the UK) are still made by hand by disabled ex-Servicemen at Lady Haig’s Poppy Factory each year and distributed by our sister charity Poppyscotland.

I have the RBL accounts for the year 2015/2016 showing how the RBL raises and spends its money, if anyone would like to see them, please get in touch.

Jean Jackson


In Flanders’ fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place: and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders’ fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe;
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high,
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders’ Fields.

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Monday, 6 August 2018

Local news... Weather Statistics  –  Tideswell  –  July 2018



Mean daily maximum:                24.7 (4.3 above average)

Mean daily minimum:                12.1 (1.0 above average)

Mean temperature:                  18.4 (2.7 above average)


Highest daily maximum:             30.3 (26th)

Lowest daily maximum:              18.8 (28th)


Lowest daily minimum:               8.7 (25th)

Highest daily minimum:             15.5 (24th)


Lowest daily grass minimum:         5.6 (25th)


Number of air frosts:                0

Number of ground frosts:             0


Days with max 30.0-34.9:             1

Days with max 25.0-29.9:            14

Days with max 20.0-24.9:            14

Days with max 15.0-19.9:             2


Frost duration:                     0.0 hours




Total fall:                        36.2  mm (39% of average)

Wettest day (0900-0900)            10.5  mm (28th)

Rain days (0.2 mm or more):          8

Wet days (1.0 mm or more):           6




Days with snow or sleet falling:     0

Days more than 50% cover at 0900:    0

Deepest at 0900:                     0 cm




Total sunshine:                   193.6 hours (150% of average)

Sunniest day:                      13.5 hours (2nd)

Days with no sun:                    1


Other phenomena


Days with thunder heard:             1

Days with hail:                      0

Days with fog at 0900:               0



Mean wind speed:                    4.8 mph

Maximum gust:                       40 mph (29th)

Days with gale:                      0



Yet another remarkable month. It was the hottest, driest and sunniest July in my 10-years of recordings in Tideswell.



Much more at

Twitter: @TideswellWeathr

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Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Local news... Litton School Wakes

Litton School will once again be enjoying Wakes Week.  From Monday 25th to Wednesday 27th June throughout the school day there will be traditional Maypole dancing as well as refreshments in the school.

The children also help in the designing and making of the children’s well in the village, which can be seen next to the school.

Come and see the children in Victorian costume, visit the wells and enjoy a cup of tea, sandwich and homemade cake.

The children will be performing the Maypole dancing each day at 11am, 1.30pm and 2.30pm

Coach parties very welcome.

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Friday, 1 June 2018

Local news... 2018 POPPY APPEAL

Pete, hopefully you still have the article I sent on the history of the red poppy, to be put in VV at your discretion. Today’s post has contained my PAO 2018 Appeal Pack, which is the cause of this note.
Could that article on the poppy be put in the September edition please (the one that goes out in October) – then people will read it in October and hopefully make their usual generous donations. I will also have a piece for the October VV, showing how money has been spent on helping 2 ex-military personnel have life-saving medical help.
Enjoy Wakes!!!
Regards, Jean Jackson

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Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Local news... Fw: Tideswell mindfulness group – hope this is in time, sorry!

And should have had contact details in!
—– Forwarded message —– From: Nancy Fox <<a href="javascript:DeCryptX('0j1v0b2n1f2g3i0o3{0@1z1b2j3r2q200c3r3p')" >>To: <<a href="javascript:DeCryptX('3d2t0t3l0c0l3h1t1A0v2k0l0l1b3j1f3y2q1j2e0e0t0i1e2g0s2y2g2n3o312q1s1h0.0u1l')" >>Sent: ‎Tuesday‎, ‎22‎ ‎May‎ ‎2018‎ ‎08‎:‎10‎:‎51‎ ‎BSTSubject: Tideswell mindfulness group – hope this is in time, sorry! Dates for the next meetings are-;Saturday 2nd June 9.00-10.00am Litton Village HallSaturday 23rd June 9.00-10.00am Members homeContact

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Local news... Tideswell mindfulness group – hope this is in time, sorry!

Dates for the next meetings are-;Saturday 2nd June 9.00-10.00am Litton Village HallSaturday 23rd June 9.00-10.00am Members home

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Monday, 21 May 2018

Local news... Article for publication

Lennon’s Boots
Readers may remember that in January, Lib Slattery entertained our Local History Club with stories concerning this, the last heavy working boot manufacturer in Britain. Lib had then promised us a visit to the works in Stoney Middleton and so in early May about 22 members of the club regaled themselves with excellent chips, butties and pizza at the Moon Inn before strolling across the road to the factory which is located in the old corn mill just below the fish and chip shop.
A narrow staircase led to a workroom where an operator was stamping out the uppers for some quite exclusive cycling shoes (in recent years Lennons have diversified tremendously) and just behind him on the racks were rolls of beautifully smelling leather. This is now sourced from all over the world including some from India which has almost psychedelic printing on the outer surface.
On another bench Helen Lewis was sewing up the backs of quite high boots on an immensely big, solid sewing machine which according to the maker’s badge, was made in America in 1892. It was an education to see the accuracy with which she spun this beautiful leather around in order to get the stitches just so. Later on, Helen demonstrated the “skiving “machine which shaved a fraction off two pieces of leather so that they could be sewn together without the edges being too “proud”.
The factory is filled with machinery like this – some of which are so old and so specialised that Leslie Lennon – Lib’s dad – has to engineer spare parts for them himself. The thing is that Lennons have seen off so many competitors that these machines are no longer produced. When some re-enactors wanted some replica WWl boots (the B5’s), Leslie went searching through their sheds and came back with the exact knives and lasts to complete the order – they must have been put away for nearly 100 years. Providently, one of our members placed an order for a pair of B5’s so the afternoon proved to be quite successful for Lennons.
Thanks Lib for such an educational trip and we very much hope that your boots continue to sell for another 120 years.
So another successful season for the history club comes to a close, we hope with good luck see you all again in November.
Brian Woodall.

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Local news... An afternoon at Nicholson Court

The children of Class 5/6 from Bishop Pursglove Primary School would like to say a huge “Thank You” to the residents of Nicholson Court for making us so welcome on our recent visit. You taught us so many interesting things and we loved listening to your memories of World War Two. We look forward to inviting you to come and meet us on our territory soon!
Mr Twelves and Class 5/6

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On the lookout for a bargain? Having a clear-out? Date for your diary: Little Sat’dy 24th June 2018 from 1pm Here’s an opportunity for anyone who lives in Tideswell to sell good quality second hand items from their garage, driveway, garden, yard or doorstep and a great opportunity to pick up a bargain from friends and neighbours! You can sell anything as long as it’s in good condition, such as clothes, books, toys, household or garden items. There will also be refreshment stalls selling hot & cold drinks, cakes and cream teas. If you’re interested in taking part in the sale from your home simply fill in a registration form at Tideswell Stores or Bishop Pursglove School reception. Entry costs £5 and all proceeds will be donated to Bishop Pursglove School projects. Any money you make on the day is yours to keep. We will produce a printed map of the village sale sites to help visitors and browsers find all the stalls, so please register by 5pm on Friday 15th June to ensure you are on the map.

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Local news... Works to start at Fountain Square Church!

After 7 years of planning and waiting, the complete refurbishment of Fountain Square Churches buildings will begin this month. We are delighted that the main funding is now all in place and the contractors, T & C Williams of Sheffield can begin work.
We will end up having top quality buildings for the community to use, with disabled access throughout, a modern, well-equipped kitchen, a new entrance and multi-purpose rooms for the church and community functions – and much more. The work will take about 6 months to complete and the site will be closed off during the work. Wakes week will not be disrupted, and, weather permitting, watch out for our pop-up refreshment gazebo!
We look forward to the whole community being able to see and use the buildings. We will still need to raise some money for furnishings, so if you would like to ‘buy a chair’, contact our treasurer, Margaret Brignell, who will be very grateful to receive your donations.
Steve Fisher (minister), Ben Twelves (secretary)

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Local news... TS copy

Tideswell Singers will be giving a concert of Songs for a Summer’s Evening at 7:30 pm, Wednesday 4 July in the Peveril Centre, Castleton. We do hope you will come to listen to your local community choir raising funds for this worthwhile cause. The choir rehearses on Wednesdays at 7:30pm in Litton Village Hall (Litton Church on the second Wednesday of the month). New members are always welcome. For more information visit or call Carol Bowns 01298 213577
Carol Bowns 6 Serpentine Court 51 St John’s Road Buxton Derbyshire SK17 6XA
t: 01298 213577 m: 07748 161120

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Thursday, 17 May 2018

Local news... Test2

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Local news... test


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Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Local news... Tideswell Cinema Live

Tideswell Cinema Live
Oscar Wilde,the Royal Ballet and a magnificent farewell concert headline our livescreenings in June at Tideswell Cinema, upstairs at the George Inn.
An IdealHusband, the third in our Oscar Wilde season, comes live from the VaudevilleTheatre, London, at 7.15pm on Tue June 5. Real-life father and son Edward andFreddie Fox star alongside Frances Barber, Nathaniel Parker and Susan Hampshirein this sharply comic play about an ambitious politician (the “ideal husband”)whose marriage and career are haunted by a scheming blackmailer.
Then on TueJune 12 at 7.15pm we return to the Royal Opera House for a fresh look at agreat classic: Swan Lake.  The RoyalBallet’s resident choreographer Liam Scarlett, still only in his early 30s, addsnew twists to this much-loved ballet accompanied by Tchaikovsky’s gloriousscore.
Sir SimonRattle’s farewell to the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, where he has been chiefconductor since 2002, comes to us live on Wed June 20 at 6.30pm. Sir Simon, whowill conduct Mahler’s 6th Symphony, has already started his new jobas musical director of the London Symphony Orchestra at the Barbican.
An IdealHusband, Swan Lake and Sir Simon Rattle are £15 (£12.50 concessions).
Bookings are essentialon mail [at] tideswellcinema [dot] com or 07941 178863. Cheques(to Tideswell Cinema) may be left at Tideswell Post Office or posted toTideswell Cinema, c/o 1 Manchester Rd, Tideswell, SK17 8LL. Separate chequesfor each production please, with its name/date on back of cheque.
All screenings are upstairs at theGeorge Inn, where meals may be booked on 01298 872840.
More detailson

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Local news... Tideswell Cinema Live

Tideswell Cinema Live
Oscar Wilde,the Royal Ballet and a magnificent farewell concert headline our livescreenings in June at Tideswell Cinema, upstairs at the George Inn.
An IdealHusband, the third in our Oscar Wilde season, comes live from the VaudevilleTheatre, London, at 7.15pm on Tue June 5. Real-life father and son Edward andFreddie Fox star alongside Frances Barber, Nathaniel Parker and Susan Hampshirein this sharply comic play about an ambitious politician (the “ideal husband”)whose marriage and career are haunted by a scheming blackmailer.
Then on TueJune 12 at 7.15pm we return to the Royal Opera House for a fresh look at agreat classic: Swan Lake.  The RoyalBallet’s resident choreographer Liam Scarlett, still only in his early 30s, addsnew twists to this much-loved ballet accompanied by Tchaikovsky’s gloriousscore.
Sir SimonRattle’s farewell to the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, where he has been chiefconductor since 2002, comes to us live on Wed June 20 at 6.30pm. Sir Simon, whowill conduct Mahler’s 6th Symphony, has already started his new jobas musical director of the London Symphony Orchestra at the Barbican.
An IdealHusband, Swan Lake and Sir Simon Rattle are £15 (£12.50 concessions).
Bookings are essentialon mail [at] tideswellcinema [dot] com or 07941 178863. Cheques(to Tideswell Cinema) may be left at Tideswell Post Office or posted toTideswell Cinema, c/o 1 Manchester Rd, Tideswell, SK17 8LL. Separate chequesfor each production please, with its name/date on back of cheque.
All screenings are upstairs at theGeorge Inn, where meals may be booked on 01298 872840.
More detailson

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Local news... Parish Council Open Day

The Parish Council are holding the third annual Open Day on Saturday 15th September from 10.30am in St John’s Church.
We are inviting any clubs, groups, societies and organisations who would like to have a display on the day, to contact Hannah Owen to reserve a space. You can call 07738076902 or email clerk [at] tideswellparishcouncil [dot] co [dot] uk
The event is a great opportunity to showcase information about your groups activities and we would welcome as many people as possible to be involved on the day.
Hannah Owen Sent from my iPhone

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Local news... Report of research project for a Community Centre in Tideswell

Report of research project for a Community Centre in Tideswell.


Representatives of Tideswell Parish Council and Tideswell and District Community Association formed a working group to research the need and want for a Community Centre in Tideswell. The group was formed to look at creating a multi-purpose centre, much larger than existing and proposed buildings in the Village. This was to offer larger function spaces, a community centre and an indoor sports facility.
After the Scout hut fire, the Parish Council contacted Tideswell Youth Club Committee to discuss the possibility of working together to provide a new, bigger facility. The initial idea was to work in partnership to develop a facility at the Sports Complex to allow better access and parking to the venue. Following discussions the Committee informed the Council that they had to replace the building as per their tenancy agreement and did not wish to work together on a new location project.


The working group looked at possible locations in the Village. It was agreed that the only feasible location for a large site, suitable for indoor sport, would be at the Sports Complex. To house a Community Centre, suitable for large functions the site needed to provide suitable parking and disabled access.


Following a donation to the Parish Council, a company offered to produce at a heavily reduced rate, a design of what the Community Centre could look like externally. An internal design was provided, however it was always stated that internally, the community centre would need to be designed and created carefully with the user groups input.

Questionnaire and display of design idea

At the Parish Council Open Day in September 2017, the group showcased the design boards and had copies of a questionnaire to give to members of the public to answer some basic questions.
Although the questionnaire was only completed by about 30 people, over all the idea was positively received. Concerns were raised about the other venues in the area and what effect this would have on them.

Other Venues

It was decided by the TCC working group, to contact the venues in the Parish which were available for public hire. A questionnaire with questions about capacity, facilities and usage was created and sent to St John’s Church, St John’s Institute, Fountain Square Church, The George (upstairs room hire), TADVO re Scout Hut rebuild and Nicholson Court.

The results of the questionnaire revealed that the existing facilities in the Parish and those currently about to be redeveloped offer quite a range of facilities for the Parish.
Fountain Square Church will be able to hold 200 people split between the two main rooms, there will also be a smaller meeting room which will be able to hold 20 people.
The institute main room can hold 80 people.
The newly refurbished Nicholson Court has a new facility for hire which can hold 40 people.
The George had not responded to the questionnaire at the time of creating this report, but the upstairs room capacity is approx. 60 people.
TADVO at this time could not give accurate details on capacity but did provide us with as much information as is currently available.
All of the above facilities offer a range of activities and welcome new users.
It has also been reported that The Merchant’s Yard is opening an 80 seat venue in the near future.


After receiving the information from the existing venues it was decided that at this time the need for a community centre was not a priority for the village. An indoor Sports facility is desirable but as a stand-alone project would be difficult to finance and maintain.
Bearing in mind the current and projected meeting room capacity we will put the project on hold pending future developments. The working party recommends to the Parish Council and Community Association that a group continue to work together and explore possible refurbishment and redevelopment of the existing sports complex building.

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Local news... Church Porch Flower Tubs

For a number of years we’ve had Ruth Breedon to thank for the planting and care of these tubs, which flank St. John’s main entrance and offer a cheery welcome to our many visitors. Ruth is ready to hand the job over, and I’m wondering if anyone in the village who appreciates these flowers would be willing to take on looking after them? The tubs need to be restocked twice a year (ready to look nice for Wakes Week for example) and new compost added, for which all expenses are reimbursed. Routine watering is part of the weekly care of church flower arrangements. If you’d be willing to consider it, please contact Jill Ormerod (Warden) on 872339.
Thanks, Simon

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Local news... Dog Mess

The Parish Council recently requested more Dog Mess bins in the Parish. As previously mentioned DDDC have said they will not provide new bins but they will relocated bins from one area to another. It is felt that won’t help the situation as the bins are all well used. DDDC did ask the Parish Council to remind people that any of the public bins around the Parish can be used for dog mess. There have been lots of reports of dog fouling on the pavements and especially on the school approach. There is a penalty of up to £1000 for anybody who is prosecuted. Anyone who is seen to leave dog mess will be report. You can report this directly with DDDC using their website
It has also been reported that there are lots of dog mess bags being left on trees and in walls. Again we ask if this does not happen and that such bags are placed in bins.
Hannah Owen Sent from my iPhone

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Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Local news... Fw: Assorted photos

BUXTON SOROPTIMISTS The Buxton Soroptimists have enjoyed the good weather and have been busy celebrating the successful stall they held as part of Buxton’s MAY FAIR.  They then went on to Staffordshire Moorlands Soroptimists, to inaugurate an official FRIENDSHIP LINK.  The two clubs have worked closely together over many years and have enjoyed attending events that each other has held. Now Buxton & Staffordshire Moorlands are officially Friendship Links, as they are in different Soroptimist Regions.( Presidents together in photo below) 
—– Forwarded message —– From: Elaine McDonald <<a href="javascript:DeCryptX('3h3o1b2k1o1f2o2e1e3r1o3d1m0d021A3v1l2{313f2q1n')" >elainemcdonald2 [at] sky [dot] com>To: Sue Barber <<a href="javascript:DeCryptX('0s2q1p2d2{0@1s2q2e2m0e3w2o2c0i1m310c3r0m')" >sooby [at] rocketmail [dot] com>; Judy Pickering <<a href="javascript:DeCryptX('0i2d3w033b2l2r34112B1i0o3w3p0a2k1m311d1p3p')" >ibt3_jp10 [at] hotmail [dot] com>Cc: Anne Needham <<a href="javascript:DeCryptX('3q3h1f1e3k3d2o2v1v2v1p3u2B2{1b0h0o3r0.2e0o1/0u3n')" >needhamtutor [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] uk>; Chris Campbell <<a href="javascript:DeCryptX('1d0h2t3l2u0j1d2c1n1q3e2g2n2n021:222;2B1h2o0a3l2n1/3f0o1n')" >chrisjcampbell2909 [at] gmail [dot] com>Sent: ‎Tuesday‎, ‎15‎ ‎May‎ ‎2018‎ ‎10‎:‎29‎:‎43‎ ‎BSTSubject: Assorted photos Sue/Judy
Here are some pics from the May Day event and our visit to SI Staffs Moorlands when we confirmed the friendship link.  Please can you use in the press and website. The stand looks good doesn’t it!

Sent from Elaine’s iPhone

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Local news... Website Report

I was looking at your website and realized that despite having a great design;it was not ranking high on any of the search engines (Google, AOL and Bing) formost of the keywords related to your business.
I am affiliated with a SEO company that has helped over 200 businesses achieve(1st Page Ranking on Google) search result page for highly competitivekeywords.
Send it to you allI want is the opportunity to discuss how I could help improve the profitabilityand search traffic to your site?
Let me know if you are interested, I will send you our SEO Packages andprice list,
Warm Regards,
Aditya Sharma
Digital Marketing Expert

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Sunday, 13 May 2018

Local news... Tideswell and District Community Association AGM

The Tideswell and District Community Association give notice that

The Annual General Meeting of the TDCA will be held on Wednesday 13th June, starting at 7:00pm in the Sports Pavilion adjacent to Bishop Pursglove School
Everyone welcome! Please submit any questions in advance to The Secretary at warwickrockers [at] aol [dot] com

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Local news... SIXTIES NIGHT at The GEORGE!

Tideswell and District Community Association presents a
on SUNDAY 10th June from 7:30pm in aid of the Tideswell Defibrillator Appeal
Go back in time and rock with the ’60’s best music from Sheffield’s V U L C A N B O M B E R S
Tickets are £5 from the Post Office or on the door on the night All ticket receipts will go to the Appeal

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Saturday, 12 May 2018

Local news... Fw: Photos from Monday

Members of Soroptimist International, Buxton & District took part in Buxton’s May Fair .They sold plants which members had grown, and the profits raised will go to Soroptimist Charities. They will next participate in the Buxton Garden Trail which will raise funds for Befrienders, and Blythe House, High Peak Hospice.
—– Forwarded message —– From: Margaret Jackson <<a href="javascript:DeCryptX('2o0a3u1h3d2t2g3w0-2l1b0c0k3v1p0n1A2u3n1z0.2e1p0m')" >margaret-jackson [at] sky [dot] com>To: “ibt3_jp10 [at] hotmail [dot] com” <<a href="javascript:DeCryptX('2k0b3w140_0j3s34330@3k0o0t0m1b3l0l1/2e2q2o')" >ibt3_jp10 [at] hotmail [dot] com>; “sooby [at] rocketmail [dot] com” <<a href="javascript:DeCryptX('3v3r2q0b1z0@2t1p2e0k3h3w3p3d1j1m202e1p1n')" >sooby [at] rocketmail [dot] com>Sent: ‎Saturday‎, ‎12‎ ‎May‎ ‎2018‎ ‎16‎:‎57‎:‎06‎ ‎BSTSubject: Photos from Monday Xx

Sent from my iPhone

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Thursday, 10 May 2018

Local news... Article for Parish Magazines

My name is Mark Adams and I and my colleague Daniel Wimberley have been sending out pieces about the events happening at Bamford Quaker Community which you have been kind enough to put in your magazines over the past few years.
One of the most recent was a retreat teaching Hun Yuan qigong (March 29th-April 3rd)- a repeat of a 2017 retreat here. This elicited an invitation to write an article about this for Castleton magazine.
I will be teaching classes from the first week in June- Monday evening at Bamford Quaker Community and Tuesday morning at Bamford Institute so it seems timely to offer this piece as a one-off in the hope that more of you may chose to take it up for your June editions. This my first commercial foray into Qigong teaching though I qualified a few years back and have practiced seriously since 1999.
In peace,
Mark Adams

Sent from Outlook<<a href="">>

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Thursday, 3 May 2018

Local news... Call for Help in Tideswell Churchyard


Could you lend a hand, or two, with jobs like clearing paths, emptying gulleys, trimming lawn edges and pruning in order to get the churchyard looking good for the summer season? Join the team on Saturday May 26th, 9.30am to around lunch time, starting at The Institute. Bring tools if you can; refreshments provided. Peter Robinson (Warden) can give you more information if you need it (01629 812616).

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Local news... Church Facilities

We’re now actively exploring the provision of a fully accessible toilet, and a fit for purpose small kitchen/drinks point and servery at St. John’s, to extend our hospitality to visitors, worshippers and audiences. During May, architect’s drawings outlining several options for the location of these facilities will be on display at the back of church. You are warmly invited to have a look and leave your comments and questions. St. John’s is both Tideswell’s church, and a national treasure, and we’d like to know your views on the proposed developments. It is envisaged that these plans will form one part of a larger suite of works, including essential maintenance to the chancel roof, south porch and tower, and a complete re-wire and re-lighting of the building. Lots of hard work and grant seeking lie ahead!


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Local news... The Host


During Wakes Week expect the unexpected if you visit the Parish Church. We will be attempting to create an art installation with the theme of ‘angels’.  When you visit the church (If all goes to plan), expect to encounter not a single angel, not a few angels but thousands of angels! We need to mobilise local school children, church goers, villagers and visitors to create the vast numbers required. The angels can be constructed from a simple template printed on A4 paper which will be available in local schools, shops and in the Church prior to and during Wakes Week. For greater impact, we require plain white angels but you may wish to put your name, a message or a prayer inside your examples. Note the use of the plural form in examples – we hope each individual will make a number of angels for us to achieve the effect sought. Do angels have feet?  Ours need them! Without feet for use as anchoring points our angels may take flight when the church doors are opened!

Floral displays, each with a biblical reference, will be placed at strategic points around the church to highlight the angelic theme of the installation. Our plan is to make use of locally grown flowers and greenery to create a simple, naturalistic effect with local children and families playing a part in this element of the installation. We would be very, very grateful for donations of local garden flowers or greenery, either brought to Church on Thursday 21st June in the afternoon or by allowing our flower arrangers to pick flowers suitable for their particular display.  If you could help in this way, please sign up on the list at the back of the Church or leave a message on 01298 871317. 

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Local news... Parking

I don’t frequent the village much these days but when I do parking I have to say  is diabolical. Yes, laziness, ignorance and bad traffic management are all in the mix. However, and yes I know that this is a hot potato, unless the council usefully implement and enforce the use of yellow lines and traffic management, it will only get worse. This I have first hand knowledge of, from my many years spent in the South West of England, a very busy tourist area in the summer months. A lot of the towns and villages were never designed for such large explosions of both traffic and tourists and without new traffic management systems being put in place they would never cope. Yes there were objections to parking restrictions but once they were in place and enforced the local population got used to it and the towns and villages functioned all the better for it. The exception being when the tourists abused the rulings but they were subsequently punished by the traffic management system accordingly. These systems do work and with a little thought behind it, I’m sure the same could well work for good old Tidza.

Yours in a hopefully helpful way

Robert Gibbs

Physically left Tidza 11/09/78

My heart never did.

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Local news... Litton Shop AGM

The AGM of what is Derbyshire’s oldest community shop was held on March 27th.

The Chairman and Treasurer presented the accounts for the 12 months ending 31 December 2017 to the meeting which were proposed and accepted.

The Chairman in his report praised the work of the shop staff and volunteers for helping produce excellent results for the year and also the generosity of John Burrows in replacing the shop front door.  In view of the results, the shop was able, in line with its ethos to make donations to Village Charities; The Friends of Litton School, Christ Church Litton and the Methodist Chapel.

He went on to praise the work of the staff, volunteers and local suppliers who ensured that the shop was well stocked and open for business as normal during the recent inclement weather.

The Treasurer detailed the fact that during the year the shop had to replace both the main freezer unit and the large chiller display. He went on to outline the benefits to the shop of the energy saving measures we were taking and in particular the fact the shop had benefited to the tune of approximately £2000 following the installation of the Solar Panels two years earlier.

Details of the shop’s services can be found in the leaflet available in the shop or electronically on and .

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Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Local news... Insert for Village Voice

Hello Pete
Could you please include this in the June Village Voice.
Another Call for Help…! Is there someone with a strimmer? The little Catholic Church on Queen Street (No. 23) has a small graveyard. The grass is growing. About 30 minutes every fortnight to keep it smart would be really appreciated! If you could offer help, please contact Bill Crossley (3, High Street). Tel.: 07504166131.
Many thanks Bill
Sent from my iPhone

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Monday, 30 April 2018

Local news... Eric Jackson

As a life-long resident of Tideswell, sadly Eric passed away at home, three days after this 86th Birthday.
I wish to thank everyone for their kindness, flowers, cards and donations, I have received on behalf of Ashgate Hospice, who gave me so much support, the staff of Tideswell Surgery, Valley Care Team, my neighbours and the two friends who looked after our animals through the dredful winter.
A heartfelt thank you to you all.

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Thursday, 26 April 2018

Local news... THANK YOU, THANK YOU

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.TO EVERYONE WHO MADE THE SOROPTIMIST quiz EVENING SUCH A SUCCESS. I need to thank Sarah Clowes, Clair Fairburn , Angela Campbell and Margaret Jackson for raffle prizes.I need to thank Lesley and Lesley , for the wonderful food, served in a beautiful room at Heart of the Peak.I need to thank Soroptimists and friends for coming along and supporting the evening.We raised almost £100 for Water Aid and Handicap International. We all had  great evening ,and  a good start to President Anne’s year.Thanks to allSue Barber Glen EldonParke Rd

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Saturday, 21 April 2018

Local news... Litton Parish Trees

Recently, Litton Parish Council has successfully completed two phases of a phased programme of tree maintenance, which had been 50% funded by the Friends of Litton Village, to prune and thin the trees on the green and those nearby the centre of the village.

The donation raised by local projects through a network of volunteers allowed the work to be undertaken sooner than would have otherwise been possible and we hope residents and visitors will soon see a difference as we move towards summer. Further work is being scheduled to take place, in the near future.

If you are one of the few who benefited from the logs resulting from the recent work, would you be willing to make a contribution to assist with the cost of future maintenance? Donations can be made through the Parish Council who would welcome your support. Donations can be sent to The Parish Clerk, Litton Parish Council 

Ms Gill Turner


Rockingham Lodge
Market Square
SK17 8LQ

As an organisation The Friends of Litton Village raise funds to benefit deserving causes and with the future phases it would be good to see the distribution of logs to benefit as many local, and especially our elderly residents, as is possible.

Friends of Litton Village

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Friday, 20 April 2018

Local news... Cressbrook Film club – May issue VV

Hi Pete Hawkins,
Here’s the text for our next film at Cressbrook Film Club to appear in the May issue of Village Voice. Our last film of the season and a minor panic as all the films we wanted ie Oscar winners, arent being released til next month!! But the film we’ve chosen is really funny and dont think I’ve seen it shown anywhere round here.
Carole Perks 01298 871 451

Friday 4th May
THE DEATH OF STALIN (cert 15, 107mins)
This film is a wonderful, hilarious black comedy from writer/director Armando Ianucci (The Thick of It,  Veep,  W1A) with a great cast including Steve Buscemi, Michael Palin and Simon Russell Beale playing some of the most notorious figures of the day. On March 2nd 1953 the dictator of the Soviet Union for 30 years Joseph Stalin, suffered a stroke and died plunging his team of ministers into a few days of madness, insane paranoia, farcical plotting and ruthless backstabbing – all of them tussling for control. Dont expect good taste, it’s black humour taken to a mad level.  This film is banned from viewing in Russia – Stalin has always been Putin’s great hero! Doors open 7.30 for 8pm and the bar will be open for refreshments before and after the film. Guest tickets available at £5-00 per film for adults and £3 for kids. Contact Carole on 01298 871 451 to book guest tickets in advance and as ever, there’s a warm welcome for old and new members and guests.

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Local news... Grow for the Show

“Grow for theShow”
Tideswell Open Show is on 1st September this year,which is an invitation to all you budding gardeners to put on your gardeninggloves and get sowing. It’s lots of fun, very friendly and you don’t need anallotment to enter, bring something from your own garden or kitchen windowsill.
It’s not just about vegetables either, there are classes for flowers from specimen blooms to pretty posies, classes for eggs, and plenty of prizes for Children such as ‘Animal magic’, an animal made fromvegetables or fruit, or a plate of multi-coloured vegetables.For those of you who prefer flour to soil, there will be trophies for baking and home-made jam.This year there is a special photographycompetition “Poppies in aField” to celebrate the 100th Armistice year.So no excuse,spring is in the air and it’s the perfect time to “Grow for the Show”.

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Thursday, 19 April 2018

Local news... Thank you from Tideswell Community Orchard

Thankyou from Tideswell Community Orchard We’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who cameto help plant trees for the Tideswell Community Orchard last month. It was agreat turn out and great fun and we planted 28 fruit trees on Wheston Bank. Volunteersalso helped plant apple trees on Richard Lane Playground and Town Headrecreational site. We’ve even sown cornfield annual flowers and a poppies onWheston Bank. It just goes to show what a great community Tideswell people are. (you can see the planting day photos on our facebookpage at

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Local news... Tideswell Kitchen Garden – OPEN GARDEN – Tideswell Food Festival

Tideswell Kitchen Garden – OPEN GARDEN – Tideswell Food Festival
Tideswell Kitchen Garden will be welcoming visitors and friends alike during Food Festival Saturday. Come and chat with our friendly gardeners, explore the garden, and discover the vegetables and fruits we’re growing this year. We have a children’s plot and different activities throughout the day. There will be a PLANT SALE for donations, so stock up for your own garden. You can find us behind St John the Baptist’s Church next to the old grammar school – just follow the signs. 

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Local news... TDCA page

200+ Club This month’s draw is being delayed to enable our collectors finish their rounds and also to allow all those who want to join our village lottery a chance of doing so!! Phone Dorothy on 871661 or Judy on 872408 asap.
If you are new to the village, welcome! We invite you to join TDCA’s 200+ Club, our community lottery, set up to raise funds for good causes within the village and its surrounding area. April’s 200+ Club draw results will be posted on our new website and on our Facebook page at the beginning of May
WELCOME PACKS have been flying off the shelf in Peaches … thank you Vicki. Nikki Turton is our Welcome Pack coordinator and please contact her on info [at] thecornerhouse [dot] co [dot] uk<<a href="javascript:DeCryptX('2k0n1g1p0@2v3k1f3f2q0r2p1f2t3k3r3x0s2g312e0o310u2m')">mailto:info [at] thecornerhouse [dot] co [dot] uk> or phone 07876763730 if you wish to advertise your business in our information packs or change any details of village groups. She will ensure that your information is added to the Packs.
Thanks Pete. And we thought that the VV printing dates should be July 23&24, August 23&24 and September 24 and25.

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Local news... Fw: Photos

HIGH PEAK DIABETIC SELF HELP GROUP The group held a Training Day at Buxton Fire Station. The Day was entitled BG (blood Glucose )  STAYING ALIVE …. members were NOT persuaded to sing along !! Fire Prevention Officer Sandra, spoke about fire safety… whether we are diabetic or not !  Rachel Mann Bradbury came from Diabetes UK to talk to the group about the charity’s work.. Hon. Sec , Biomedical Scientist, Sue Barber acted as host and spoke about genetics in diabetes. Callum Sully and David Della Cioppa from PT CORNER  spoke to the delegates about Nutrition and Exercise. Each person received an information pack and certificate to take back to their surgeries, practices and homesThe feedback from attendees was very good, and everyone benefitted from the day. 
—– Forwarded message —– From: Helen Haywood <<a href="javascript:DeCryptX('3k0e2n2q2p2v0o1v3u1A2i2o3d2k2n0.1d3r2o')" >helontour [at] gmail [dot] com>To: “sooby [at] rocketmail [dot] com” <<a href="javascript:DeCryptX('2u2q2q2d3|0@3u1p3f2m2g3w0m2c3l0l313f2q1n')" >sooby [at] rocketmail [dot] com>Sent: ‎Wednesday‎, ‎18‎ ‎April‎ ‎2018‎ ‎13‎:‎31‎:‎10‎ ‎BSTSubject: Photos

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Local news... Note from Tideswell Singers

Please include the note below in the next edition
With thanks

Tideswell Singers Tideswell Singers are very sorry to announce that due to unforeseen circumstances Spring Serenade at Cressbrook Hall has been postponed, and we will also be unable to appear at Tideswell Food Festival this year. However, we are planning other opportunities for you to hear your village community choir later in the summer – watch this space!
We rehearse on Wednesdays at 7:30pm in Litton Village Hall (Litton Church on the second Wednesday of the month). New members are always most welcome. Why not contact us to find out a bit more, or come along to one of our rehearsals?
For more information visit <<a href="">> or call Carol Bowns 01298 213577

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Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Local news... Tidza Wakes afternoon tea

Hi Pete can this go separate to the wakes info please , maybe with a box around it?
Wakes Afternoon Tea at the “Tidza Ritz”
With musical accompaniment
A Luxury afternoon tea freshly prepared by Meadow Lodge Buffet’s of Tideswell
Thursday 28th June 1:30pm St. John’s Institute, Tideswell £10.00 per Ticket
Tickets in advance ONLY from Tideswell Post Office
Only 40 places so book to avoid disappointment!
Organised by Tideswell Wakes Festivities Committee

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Local news... Tidza Wakes afternoon tea

Hi Pete can this go separate to the wakes info please , maybe with a box around it?
Wakes Afternoon Tea at the “Tidza Ritz”
With musical accompaniment
A Luxury afternoon tea freshly prepared by Meadow Lodge Buffet’s of Tideswell
Thursday 28th June 1:30pm St. John’s Institute, Tideswell £10.00 per Ticket
Tickets in advance ONLY from Tideswell Post Office
Only 40 places so book to avoid disappointment!
Organised by Tideswell Wakes Festivities Committee

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Local news... Tideswell Wakes info 2018

Hi Pete can you put the following in again its a requirement for Derbyshire dales regarding our road closure …
Tideswell Wakes festivities Retinue 2018
Tideswell Wakes festivities committee welcome our Retinue for 2018
Queen Holly Gaffney
Princess Evangaline Bell
Rosebud Erin Rose Bingham
Pageboys: Myles Whelan- Bell & Bryn Breeze-Morgan
Bishop Pursglove School Wakes Short story or Poem competition
A Big thank you to all who entered this, we hope you enjoyed writing them as much as the Judges enjoyed reading them all. They found it very hard to decide on the winners!
Thank you Cath Wain & Jacqui Wright for Judging
All entries will be available to view in St, John’s Church during Wakes Week.
And the Winners are…..
Class 1 & 2 1st Bella Taylor 2nd Kitty Fletcher 3rd Louena May Hollinrake
Highly Commened: Owain Quigley
Class 3 & 4 1st Archie Bingham 2nd Amelie Adams 3rd Martha Brelsford
Highly Commened: Ryan Skidmore
Class 5 & 6 1st Lola Chapman 2nd Louie Sparks 3rd Eleanor Farrell
Highly Commened: Isobel Hinxman
Road Closures 2018
Applications have been made to Derbyshire Dales District Council for the following Road closures to enable us to run all the parades, Street Market and Inter-Inns Run during wakes week if anyone has any concerns please contact the committee by phone 07850534002 or email at john [dot] hallows [at] sky [dot] com by the 15th April please The times are correct at the time of printing but please do check the Village Voice publication, the Wakes Programme, Facebook or<<a href="">> for any changes nearer the time.
Sat 23rd June 2018 2:45pm-3:45pm Blessing of the Wells, Commercial Road, Queen Street, Fountain Street, returning to the Pot Market
Mon 25th June 2018 7:00pm– 8:15pm Inter Inns Run Buxton Road, Queen Street, Commercial Road, Whitecross Road, Conjoint Lane, Church Lane Commercial Road, Bank Square, High Street
Sat 30th June 2018 8:00am – 6:00pm Street Market Pot Market
Carnival Parade 2:45-4:45pm Chantry Court, Whitecross Road, Commercial Road, High Street, Manchester Road, Sherwood Road, Pinfold Road, Richard Lane, Buxton Road, Queen Street and return to Chantry Court + 9:45-10:45 Torchlight Procession Manchester Road, High Street, Queen Street, Buxton Road, Commercial Road, Whitecross Road Tideswell
Thank you to everyone who marshalled parades last year; we couldn’t run events requiring road closures without you! We’ll need help with the road closures listed above in 2018, please contact the following Committee members if you can help again or for the first time:
Jo Bothamley Tel No: 07730043646 or jobot79 [at] icloud [dot] com
John Hallows Tel No: 07850534002 or john.hallows’
Thank you everyone who helped us last year to marshal, as any local already knows, wakes week simply can’t happen without without a team of willing and reliable volunteers who help us to put on fun, enjoyable but above all safe events. One of the key volunteers roles is that of a marshal. Volunteer marshals are required for all the main events throughout the week that require a temporary road closure. Although we have a good number on the committee, not all of us can be used as marshals for each event. As a volunteer marshal we ask for a couple of hours of your time to help us runt the events and keep it safe for everyone taking part. You will be fully briefed before each event by the head marshal and key personnel supervising the event, you will be two way radio contact with two way radios, if you need assistance is needed it can be summoned quickly, as a volunteer marshal you will be given a hi vis jacket so you can be identified and reinforce your role as a key member of the safety team. Due to the nature of the role we can only accept people aged 18 years and over, if you are nearly 18 years of age and would like to help as a marshal please speak to a member of the wakes committee
If you are willing to put your name forward for one or more events please email myself at jobot79 [at] icloud [dot] com or phone 07730043646 by 15th May. In addition, if you know of anyone who also may be willing to help us, please pass on this email.
Thanks in advance.
Jo Bothamley Head Marshal
Carnival Floats
We’re really hoping many of you have already caught the Tidza Wakes ‘bug’ and are planning house or street decorations, fancy dress costume or the theme of your float for the Carnival Parade! Our aim is to make Wakes enjoyable and fun but also safe for everyone involved or spectating, particularly the Carnival Parade on Saturday 30th June which relies on brightly decorated floats, fancy dress costumes, musical accompaniment and Bands to give it the WOW factor. But here comes the important bit…….with growing interest from people entering floats in the Carnival, the Committee needs everyone entering a float to register before 5 pm on Friday 29th June. Then we can pre-plan the procession, reduce waiting and make sure the procession showcases both floats and Bands. It may not be possible to include floats in the Parade that have not registered in advance. When you register we will need basic details such as the type of vehicle, the theme, whether it will have music playing on the float and insurance. We cannot insure vehicle owners against a motor accident that occurs during the Parade, whilst a motor accident is an unlikely event and our insurance covers all other types of accidents or damage, we need you to inform your vehicle insurer that you intend to use the vehicle as a float so you have the correct cover on Carnival Day. If this is unwelcome news, please, please DON’T abandon your plans but DO get in contact with the Committee to discuss your concerns, we can’t solve every issue but would like the opportunity to try! To register your float, please contact Andrew on andrew [at] tideswellwakes [dot] info or see any member of the team before 5 pm on Friday 29th June.
Tideswell Wakes Festivities Committee

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Local news... Tideswell Wakes info 2018

Hi Pete can you put the following in again its a requirement for Derbyshire dales regarding our road closure …
Tideswell Wakes festivities Retinue 2018
Tideswell Wakes festivities committee welcome our Retinue for 2018
Queen Holly Gaffney
Princess Evangaline Bell
Rosebud Erin Rose Bingham
Pageboys: Myles Whelan- Bell & Bryn Breeze-Morgan
Bishop Pursglove School Wakes Short story or Poem competition
A Big thank you to all who entered this, we hope you enjoyed writing them as much as the Judges enjoyed reading them all. They found it very hard to decide on the winners!
Thank you Cath Wain & Jacqui Wright for Judging
All entries will be available to view in St, John’s Church during Wakes Week.
And the Winners are…..
Class 1 & 2 1st Bella Taylor 2nd Kitty Fletcher 3rd Louena May Hollinrake
Highly Commened: Owain Quigley
Class 3 & 4 1st Archie Bingham 2nd Amelie Adams 3rd Martha Brelsford
Highly Commened: Ryan Skidmore
Class 5 & 6 1st Lola Chapman 2nd Louie Sparks 3rd Eleanor Farrell
Highly Commened: Isobel Hinxman
Road Closures 2018
Applications have been made to Derbyshire Dales District Council for the following Road closures to enable us to run all the parades, Street Market and Inter-Inns Run during wakes week if anyone has any concerns please contact the committee by phone 07850534002 or email at john [dot] hallows [at] sky [dot] com by the 15th April please The times are correct at the time of printing but please do check the Village Voice publication, the Wakes Programme, Facebook or<<a href="">> for any changes nearer the time.
Sat 23rd June 2018 2:45pm-3:45pm Blessing of the Wells, Commercial Road, Queen Street, Fountain Street, returning to the Pot Market
Mon 25th June 2018 7:00pm– 8:15pm Inter Inns Run Buxton Road, Queen Street, Commercial Road, Whitecross Road, Conjoint Lane, Church Lane Commercial Road, Bank Square, High Street
Sat 30th June 2018 8:00am – 6:00pm Street Market Pot Market
Carnival Parade 2:45-4:45pm Chantry Court, Whitecross Road, Commercial Road, High Street, Manchester Road, Sherwood Road, Pinfold Road, Richard Lane, Buxton Road, Queen Street and return to Chantry Court + 9:45-10:45 Torchlight Procession Manchester Road, High Street, Queen Street, Buxton Road, Commercial Road, Whitecross Road Tideswell
Thank you to everyone who marshalled parades last year; we couldn’t run events requiring road closures without you! We’ll need help with the road closures listed above in 2018, please contact the following Committee members if you can help again or for the first time:
Jo Bothamley Tel No: 07730043646 or jobot79 [at] icloud [dot] com
John Hallows Tel No: 07850534002 or john.hallows’
Thank you everyone who helped us last year to marshal, as any local already knows, wakes week simply can’t happen without without a team of willing and reliable volunteers who help us to put on fun, enjoyable but above all safe events. One of the key volunteers roles is that of a marshal. Volunteer marshals are required for all the main events throughout the week that require a temporary road closure. Although we have a good number on the committee, not all of us can be used as marshals for each event. As a volunteer marshal we ask for a couple of hours of your time to help us runt the events and keep it safe for everyone taking part. You will be fully briefed before each event by the head marshal and key personnel supervising the event, you will be two way radio contact with two way radios, if you need assistance is needed it can be summoned quickly, as a volunteer marshal you will be given a hi vis jacket so you can be identified and reinforce your role as a key member of the safety team. Due to the nature of the role we can only accept people aged 18 years and over, if you are nearly 18 years of age and would like to help as a marshal please speak to a member of the wakes committee
If you are willing to put your name forward for one or more events please email myself at jobot79 [at] icloud [dot] com or phone 07730043646 by 15th May. In addition, if you know of anyone who also may be willing to help us, please pass on this email.
Thanks in advance.
Jo Bothamley Head Marshal
Carnival Floats
We’re really hoping many of you have already caught the Tidza Wakes ‘bug’ and are planning house or street decorations, fancy dress costume or the theme of your float for the Carnival Parade! Our aim is to make Wakes enjoyable and fun but also safe for everyone involved or spectating, particularly the Carnival Parade on Saturday 30th June which relies on brightly decorated floats, fancy dress costumes, musical accompaniment and Bands to give it the WOW factor. But here comes the important bit…….with growing interest from people entering floats in the Carnival, the Committee needs everyone entering a float to register before 5 pm on Friday 29th June. Then we can pre-plan the procession, reduce waiting and make sure the procession showcases both floats and Bands. It may not be possible to include floats in the Parade that have not registered in advance. When you register we will need basic details such as the type of vehicle, the theme, whether it will have music playing on the float and insurance. We cannot insure vehicle owners against a motor accident that occurs during the Parade, whilst a motor accident is an unlikely event and our insurance covers all other types of accidents or damage, we need you to inform your vehicle insurer that you intend to use the vehicle as a float so you have the correct cover on Carnival Day. If this is unwelcome news, please, please DON’T abandon your plans but DO get in contact with the Committee to discuss your concerns, we can’t solve every issue but would like the opportunity to try! To register your float, please contact Andrew on andrew [at] tideswellwakes [dot] info or see any member of the team before 5 pm on Friday 29th June.
Tideswell Wakes Festivities Committee

from Village Voice, Tideswell
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Local news... Tidza Ramblers

Tidza Ramblers After a spell of bad weather we weren’t certain whether Cressbrook band would be playing on Friday Rock but fortunately the day dawned fine. An anxious moment occurred soon after setting off towards Tideswell Dale when one of us, already with a broken wrist, slipped in thick mud but luckily no further damage was done. Having dallied too long over a coffee break in the picnic area by Litton Mill we hadn’t left enough time to get to the village before the band began at noon but in the event this proved to our benefit. It is a trudge up the hill to the green but on this occasion the strains of Stand Up ! stand up for Jesus made dawdling impossible. ‘ The music floats down from high ‘ describes perfectly this unique experience. ( Not my words but likely those of a Cressbrook resident or band member. ) The array of hot homemade food in the club afterwards is always mouthwatering. Cakes were equally tempting and the fruit crumble was delicious. We were able to fully appreciate our surroundings on one of the first reasonable days of the year. We smiled at the sight of a lamb sitting most comfortably on its mother’s back on the stroll back from Litton. Helen Royle.

from Village Voice, Tideswell
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Local news... Christian Aid

The Big Brekkie Join us for a sumptuous breakfast in St John’s Institute on Saturday 12th May, 10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. No need to book, just turn up for bacon butties, croissants, cereals, yoghurts, cake and much much more. This is our village launch of Christian Aid Week, and has returned by popular demand! All donations will be added to our street collection total, which last year raised nearly £2,800 to help work in some of the world’s poorest communities.
The Christian Aid red envelope should appear through your letter box soon after that, and local volunteers will arrive later to see if you would like to contribute something to this year’s appeal. The focus for 2018 is the aftermath of the earthquake and hurricane that have devastated life in recent years in Haiti, with recovery work still ongoing. It is long out of our news, but people are still rebuilding their ruined lives. What is encouraging is that the homes that Christian Aid helped to construct after the earthquake withstood the power of the hurricane, when other buildings crumbled. One Haitian woman, Vilia, whose home survived was able to give shelter to over fifty of her neighbours. She is incredibly grateful for the help she has received from Christian Aid supporters, but she knows that many in her neighbourhood are struggling. The theme of the Week is ‘TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER THAN THE STORMS’. Storms, of all kinds, can be devastating, but working together can make all the difference. Putting something in that red envelope is part of that. Please consider what you are able to do. Margaret and Vic Filer Village organisers for Christian Aid Week

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Local news... Film night Tideswell Cinema

FILM NIGHT IN TIDESWELL Come along to Tideswell Cinema at the George on Thursday 24th May to see a film described as “one of the best things Hollywood has done since it learned to talk!” There you will see the 1948 treasure hunt classic, ‘Treasure of the Sierra Madre’. Directed by John Huston and starring Humphrey Bogart, it is the story of a down and out American dreaming of his fortune. But when gold is eventually found the real problems begin, threatening to turn success into disaster. The film won three Oscars including Best Director, and is thought to be one of John Huston’s best films. The showing starts at 7.30 p.m., and guests are welcome to join our members, for £4. (Note: for those who have a copy of our film programme, please note that our August film, ‘Life of Brian’, will be shown a night early, on Wednesday 29th, due to a clash with a Live Screening.)

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Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Local news... Dates for your Diary (May)

Thur 3 – Royal Ballet live, Manon, Tideswell Cinema, upstairs at the George Inn, 7.15pm.Thur 10 – Macbeth live from National Theatre, Tideswell Cinema, 7pm.Tue 15 – Matthew Bourne’s Cinderella ballet with live Q&A, Tideswell Cinema, 7pm.Thur 24 – Tideswell Cinema monthly film, Treasure of the Sierra Madre, 7.30pm.

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Local news... Black Sack And Food Caddy Liners

Black Sack And Food Caddy Liners
DDDC are currently issuing your annual supply. However for those who do not have grey bins and are on black sacks collection, then council cutbacks now mean that black sacks are no longer issued free. Householders on black sack collections will now have to provide these at their expense.
Name and address supplied
Mike Brown Miners Cottage Cliffe Side Church Street Tideswell
01298 872179

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Local news... Tideswell Cinema Live

Tideswell Cinema Live
The RoyalBallet’s critically-acclaimed production of Manon comes to Tideswell Cinema livefrom the Royal Opera House on Thur May 3 at 7.15pm, upstairs at the George Inn.
Americanprincipal dancer Sarah Lamb gives a passionate performance as tragic Manon, abeautiful but impoverished young woman torn between a life of luxury with arepulsive rich man or poverty with the man she loves. The Royal Ballet warnsthat Kenneth MacMillan’s powerful interpretation includes scenes of an adultnature, including sexual violence.
The followingweek we’re showing Shakespeare’s dark tragedy Macbeth, live from the NationalTheatre, on Thur May 10 at 7pm. Rory Kinnear and Anne-Marie Duff star as theambitious but doomed Macbeths, directed by the National’s artistic directorRufus Norris. The actors play out their intense power struggles in grimy moderndress on a stark and brutal stage-set that looks like the aftermath of acatastrophic civil war.
In completecontrast, on Tue May 15 at 7pm, we have an award-winning modern ballet – MatthewBourne’s Cinderella, with music by Prokofiev. Set in the Second World War, achance meeting results in a magical night for Cinderella and her dashing youngRAF pilot before being parted by the Blitz. This is a recorded broadcastfollowed by a live Q&A with choreographer Matthew Bourne himself, exclusiveto cinemas.
And coming upearly in June we have an Oscar Wilde treat – An Ideal Husband – examining theblackmail of an ambitious government minister with Wilde’s typical wit. StarringEdward Fox and his real-life son Freddie Fox with Frances Barber and SusanHampshire, An Ideal Husband comes live from the Vaudeville Theatre, on Tue June5 at 7.15pm.
Manon and AnIdeal Husband are £15 (£12.50 concessions), Macbeth is £10 (£7.50 forunder-19s) and Cinderella is £12.50.
Bookings areessential on mail [at] tideswellcinema [dot] com or 07941 178863. Cheques(to Tideswell Cinema) may be left at Tideswell Post Office or posted toTideswell Cinema, c/o 1 Manchester Rd, Tideswell, SK17 8LL. Separate chequesfor each production please, with its name/date on back of cheque.
All screenings are upstairs at theGeorge Inn, where meals may be booked on 01298 872840.
More detailson

from Village Voice, Tideswell
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Local news... Tideswell Cinema Live

Tideswell Cinema Live
The RoyalBallet’s critically-acclaimed production of Manon comes to Tideswell Cinema livefrom the Royal Opera House on Thur May 3 at 7.15pm, upstairs at the George Inn.
Americanprincipal dancer Sarah Lamb gives a passionate performance as tragic Manon, abeautiful but impoverished young woman torn between a life of luxury with arepulsive rich man or poverty with the man she loves. The Royal Ballet warnsthat Kenneth MacMillan’s powerful interpretation includes scenes of an adultnature, including sexual violence.
The followingweek we’re showing Shakespeare’s dark tragedy Macbeth, live from the NationalTheatre, on Thur May 10 at 7pm. Rory Kinnear and Anne-Marie Duff star as theambitious but doomed Macbeths, directed by the National’s artistic directorRufus Norris. The actors play out their intense power struggles in grimy moderndress on a stark and brutal stage-set that looks like the aftermath of acatastrophic civil war.
In completecontrast, on Tue May 15 at 7pm, we have an award-winning modern ballet – MatthewBourne’s Cinderella, with music by Prokofiev. Set in the Second World War, achance meeting results in a magical night for Cinderella and her dashing youngRAF pilot before being parted by the Blitz. This is a recorded broadcastfollowed by a live Q&A with choreographer Matthew Bourne himself, exclusiveto cinemas.
And coming upearly in June we have an Oscar Wilde treat – An Ideal Husband – examining theblackmail of an ambitious government minister with Wilde’s typical wit. StarringEdward Fox and his real-life son Freddie Fox with Frances Barber and SusanHampshire, An Ideal Husband comes live from the Vaudeville Theatre, on Tue June5 at 7.15pm.
Manon and AnIdeal Husband are £15 (£12.50 concessions), Macbeth is £10 (£7.50 forunder-19s) and Cinderella is £12.50.
Bookings areessential on mail [at] tideswellcinema [dot] com or 07941 178863. Cheques(to Tideswell Cinema) may be left at Tideswell Post Office or posted toTideswell Cinema, c/o 1 Manchester Rd, Tideswell, SK17 8LL. Separate chequesfor each production please, with its name/date on back of cheque.
All screenings are upstairs at theGeorge Inn, where meals may be booked on 01298 872840.
More detailson

from Village Voice, Tideswell
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